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Pre-update Post

CX Workstream
Consumer Experience Workstream
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


The Consumer Experience (CX) Workstream will soon publish a comprehensive package for feedback from the wider community.

This update will include:

  1. The Phase 1 CX Report
  2. A proposed structure for the CX Standards
  3. Prototypes of the Consent Flow (consent, authentication, and authorisation flows) that incorporate preliminary recommendations

The intention of this update will be to share CX design and research work with the wider community and to receive feedback on Phase 1 research findings and preliminary recommendations. Key areas of interest will likely include:

  1. CX recommendations for data clusters and corresponding cluster and permission language
  2. The proposed Consent Flow standard (consent, authenticate, authorise flows)
  3. The proposed structure of the CX Standards
  4. Considerations for the CX Workstream’s next steps
  5. And broader recommendations to increase consumer comprehension and propensity to share data, thus increasing the CDR’s adoption and success.

These broader considerations will include:

  • Data holders knowing the high-level purpose of data sharing
  • How consent duration is communicated
  • Multi-channel revocation
  • Multi-channel communications
  • What to disclose at a minimum to satisfy the ‘unambiguous disclosure’ Rule (7.13(d) in the Dec ’18 ACCC Rules)
  • Other Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs)

There will be a 2 week feedback window. Feedback can be provided by email (specifying the document, page, and component being referred to); via comments on supplied PDFs; or as comments on any provided Google Docs. A Google Drive folder containing these documents will also be made available. Links to these documents and the Google Drive folder will be provided as part of the upcoming update.

Feedback is sought on all content and direction, but specifically:

  1. Language and data clusters
  2. Consent Flow (consent, authenticate, authorise), including how the ACCC Rules have been translated
  3. Proposed CX Standards (e.g. Is this structure usable and useful? What would be useful for Data61 to provide CX guidance on? What should/shouldn’t be standardised? What do you feel we should/can’t mandate?)
  4. Broader recommendations
  5. Next steps (e.g. Does this align with what you feel needs to be researched/designed in upcoming work?)
  6. And how these recommendations generally align with industry standards and directions

We will also be trialling blog posts on and our new dedicated CX Medium publication. These blog posts are being trialled in an attempt to increase the accessibility of the Consumer Data Standards work and general public knowledge of the Consumer Data Right.

You can find our Medium blog here and the main website blog here.

With regards,

The CX Workstream

