Træfik Goes to KubeCon Europe 2018!

Along with 200 T-Shirts for you to “tweet and win”

Gérald Croës
3 min readMay 1, 2018


Working on an open-source project can sometimes be frustrating: we code together but barely see each other.

So, this year, we’re excited to gather the whole team at the next KubeCon Europe. We can’t wait to engage in long-postponed debates around our beloved product, and we’re even more eager to spread the word:

Yes, Træfik is THAT good of a reverse proxy.

If you will be at the conference, come to talk to us there: Containous has set up a booth so we can answer your questions. If you were still undecided about attending — hesitate no more :-)

Our Demo? A Tweet and Win!

To demonstrate the power of Træfik, we’ll ask you to create and deploy a container … in a Kubernetes cluster … that will automatically be exposed on an HTTPS URL … personalized with your username … that could win you a T-shirt … just by writing a single Tweet! (Yes, 140 characters will be enough, you won’t even need 280 of them.)

Want to participate? Here’s how:

  1. Tweet a (nice) message with the #TraefikIsABlast hashtag
  2. Eagerly wait for our bot’s (friendly) response
  3. Click on the provided URL in the message (that looks like to see if you’ve won a T-shirt
  4. If you’ve won, rejoice (without interrupting the current talk) and come claim your prize at our booth
  5. (Optional) Brag about your trophy and show off

Interested in the Architecture beyond the Demo?

So, what just happened?

Let’s take a look at our architecture from a distance.

Beyond the specific service that scans Tweeter for new messages and deploys the matching containers in Kubernetes, Træfik already embeds the magic required to dynamically expose the result on the internet (on an HTTPS endpoint).

And if you think that Træfik needs a lot of configuration, here is the whole file that does the job:

That’s it: less than 20 lines that will never be updated whether there are dozens or even hundreds (or even thousands!) of deployed services. Træfik will automatically detect changes in your Kubernetes cluster and will publish them for you, without any further work on your part.

Træfik is all about making your life easier, and is pretty good at its job.

Now, if you want to set up your first Træfik architecture, you might want to try out the official 5-Minute Quick Start, or head directly to the Traefik and Kubernetes User Guide.

See you at our booth! (Or in the comments section below if you can’t be there.)

PS: the demo will be online as soon as the KubeCon Key Note starts.

The demo was written by Michael Matur.

Containous is the company that helps Træfik be the successful open-source project it is.

Follow Containous & Træfik on Twitter.

Visit our website.

And don’t forget, you’ll always be welcome on the Træfik Slack workspace.



Gérald Croës

Tech Enthusiast, Software Architect, Chief Enterprise Architect, CTO, Developer…pick your favorite.