Traefik 1.0.0 reblochon is out!

Emile Vauge
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2016

After ten months of development, we are proud to announce the first stable release of Traefik: version 1.0.0, codename reblochon.

Træfɪk is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker, Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Kubernetes, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Rest API, file…) to manage its configuration automatically and dynamically.

Here a some of the highlight features of this first release:

  • Single binary, fast, made with go
  • Docker, Swarm, Mesos/Marathon, Kubernetes, Consul, Etcd, Zookeeper, BoltDB, Rest API, file configuration support
  • Hot-reloading of configuration with true zero-downtime
  • Circuit breakers on backends
  • Clean AngularJS Web UI
  • Websocket support
  • HTTP/2 support
  • Let’s Encrypt support (Automatic HTTPS)
  • Available on Linux, MacOS and Windows

A lot of work has been done to make this release: 237 Pull requests have been merged, 184 issues closed, by 38 awesome contributors:

@jpillora @NicolasGeraud @KevinBusse @kumy @polds @janeczku @danzel @Hugues-Antoine @ReadmeCritic @ProPheT777 @gbjk @jonaz @Russell-IO @sample @s7anley @antoinecarton @wallies @pborreli @dontrebootme @kevioke @iadvizeponey @PierreZ @tayzlor @dylanmei @stongo @fclaeys @tboerger @download13 @keis @tooda02 @errm @advait @AlmogBaku @samber @cocap10 @ldez @vdemeester @emilevauge

I would like to give special thanks to @vdemeester who has been helping me maintaining the project since the beginning, and @cocap10 for his great work on staert and flaeg. And we are very pleased to announce that @samber, @errm, @Russell-IO just joined the maintainers team. Welcome on board!

You can grab the binaries on GitHub or download the official Docker image:

docker pull traefik:v1.0.0
docker pull traefik:reblochon // if you prefer cheese ;)

The documentation can be found on

Reblochon is a French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoie. Like all good Frenchmen, we love food and especially cheese: it was obvious we had to call every Traefik release with a French cheese name ;)

We would love to hear your feedback on this first major release. Join us on GitHub, Twitter or Slack!

