My 24 Goals for 2024

Inspired by Claire Elizabeth Levesque

Melissa Rock


January 2023. very different from January 2024 (thus far). Photo by author.

You may remember me writing my 23 goals for 2023.

Some may find this topic annoying and overdone, especially during the New Year. I agree, sort of. It’s how you approach goals that makes them less cringe-worthy.

I’m one of the people who often think, why are we trying to do too much in January? I’m trying to hibernate.

It’s not natural to force oneself onto a rubber-infused treadmill and abstain from sugar for three weeks in January until we’re all deprived enough to quit.

But, if you’re like me, you may read Claire Elizabeth Levesque’s goals for 2024 and be compelled to publish your own.

For me, creating 24 goals is part ritual, part accountability.

I’m not cramming myself into a gym for 23 hours a day starting January 1, rather, I’ll document habits and accomplishments for the year ahead. Because for me, this works.

This year, in addition to writing about my 2024 goals, I will print my typed list and post it in my kitchen…to haunt me for the entirety of 2024.

So here we go, my 24 goals for 2024.

1: Print my list of goals and attach them to the refrigerator door

