
3 Main Reasons to Have a Plecostomus In Your Aquarium

Take care of Plecos, they will take care of your Aquarium.

Tanu N Prabhu
Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2021


Photo By Mirko Rosenau at Stock

Brief description of Plecostomus

I’d bet that most of the readers who dived here didn’t get the name right in the first place. No worries, you can call these beautiful creatures in short as plecos- belong to one of the largest catfish families. Don’t get confused with suckerfish, they are not the same. But often people from Asian countries, especially in India, refer to them as a glass cleaning fish. It makes sense right. Every time these fishes just stick to the glass with their amazing sucker mouth, which hunts for the algae content in the aquarium. Yes, you heard it right, these guys mostly depend on algae as their appetite.

  • Usually found in tropical North East South America.
  • Can live up to 10–15 years easily.
  • Can grow up to 10–15 inches in aquariums and 25–30 inches in the wild.
  • Primarily known for eating algae, some of them are carnivores as well.
  • Not suitable for saltwater aquariums.

Water cleanliness is not so important for these guys, they like to hide and stay in dark waters.



Tanu N Prabhu

MSc in Computer Science | He/Him | Tech and pet enthusiast | Don’t believe me, read a couple of my writings | Writing since June 19, 2019 |