
A Writer’s Home

What does yours look like?

Susan Brearley
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3 min readApr 26, 2024


Offices imagined by SB and NightCafe

“Ideas are driven by a single impulse: to be made manifest.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

I do a lot of dreaming about my perfect space for writing.

Then I go off and describe those images to an AI art generator. It’s like vision-boarding with an AI assistant.

The process takes the images wandering around in my head, and puts them into a visually appealing format. It’s like a mirror for my brain.

Words are like that too, but I’m not handing mine over to an AI. And that’s as it should be.

The office of my dreams may become a reality but it will never look exactly like this vision-boardy version of it.

But my words come through me, of me, of my muses, my inspiration, my connections to the universe.

In reality, my actual writing space looks nothing like that AI vision, but more like this with a bed in the corner. I seldom let anyone inside my safe inner sanctum. Nanci Arvizu and Rebecca A. Barrett are two of the trusted few who’ve been allowed inside. I imagine it’s a lot like what might have inspired Stephen King to write Dreamcatcher.



Susan Brearley

CA2016 EIC MuddyUm-Contemplate-Garden of Neuro-Summit-Connections-Entropies-Wordsmiths' Weekly, Native Voice. Co-editor Brain Labs and Ooh-Nom-Ahhh-Tuh-PEE-uh-