Parenting Tips

Bedtime Battles and Pillow Forts — Practical Parenting Tips

Sweet dreams guaranteed — proven tactics for taming bedtime battles and restoring peace

E. M. Hoble
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2024


A father and his two young children are sitting in bed at night, illuminated by the light of a tablet or book they are looking at together. The father, wearing glasses, is in the middle, with a child on each side, all appearing engaged and absorbed in the story. The room is dark, with the soft glow of the screen lighting their faces, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.
Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Got a toddler who swears the monsters under the bed are plotting against them? Or a teenager who thinks sleep is just a suggestion? Fear not, weary parents, for I come…



E. M. Hoble

The best stories to write are the ones already inside you.