Can You Keep Up With Your Fake Face?

Ain’t nothing like the fake thing, baby

Amy Sea
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2024


photo of author in sunglasses, sipping from a straw. On top of one of the lenses says “C’est moi”
C’est moi, unfiltered. Author photo.

My sister, who is trés anti-technology, asked me what online face filters were for.

I had been complaining to her about these poor tweens who were getting plastic surgery to look more like their filtered selves online.

“I don’t get it,” she said.

I told her tweens were getting plastic surgery and Botox at a young age because they couldn’t stand what they looked like in real life. They wanted to look like their fake selves.

“I still don’t get it,” she said.

“Fine,” I told her. “I’ll send you a filtered picture someone took of me.”

Author photo

“That’s weird,” she said. “It looks like you and yet, it doesn’t look like you.”

“Bingo!” I said. “That’s the point. Filters are like a fake ID for your face. But instead of looking old enough to get into a bar, you look young enough to get a job.”

Filtered, I look like Tom Brady’s Ex, Giselle. On the other hand, so does filtered Danny DeVito —…



Amy Sea

100 X Top Writer, Editor— MuddyUm Editor, Breast Stories Editor-in-Chief — Comedian, Satirist, Humorist, Top Writer. Publisher of Breast Stories.