Member-only story
Come Here You Little F&C#*&!
Wrangling the words to say what you think
Our puppy Luna likes to sit outside by the fence and watch the action. She barks every time a dog walks by. She barks when she sees the FedEx or UPS truck or certain crows. Occasionally she barks at people who look at her directly or greet her. But often she just sits there, passively staring at whatever is happening on the street down below. Our yard sits high up and is on a corner lot so she can see up and down four different streets. Luna often makes her way all along the fence, settling in for a spell at each of the different viewpoints to make sure she’s not missing anything.
We’re trying to keep Luna from becoming an annoying yappy dog, so when she starts barking, one of us goes out and brings her in. If she’s been out there a while and is done doing her thing she’ll usually come in when I offer her a treat, but if she’s not ready, when I go to collect her, she freaks out.
She runs away from me, then gallops in circles. If I keep trying to grab her, she barks and does a weird backing up two-step dance. The only way for me to entice Luna to come in is to leave her alone, pretend I’m going back inside, and then two minutes later come out to offer her a treat and act like nothing ever happened. When it’s her choice, Luna comes.