Envy Is A Foolish Emotion

So you really think their life is perfect?

Edwina Owens Elliott
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2024


Photo by pexels-wandrey

I saw a Facebook post today from a friend of mine. She and her husband have just returned from a long car trip from Georgia to Ontario, Canada, hitting several highlights along the way, including Niagara Falls.

I’ve written about getting bit by the travel bug later in life. My husband, unfortunately, was not. (Don’t worry. I have plans.) But reading my friend’s post and seeing her pics, I felt a pang of envy before shrugging it off. Envying their road trip is ridiculous. Who knows? They may have bickered and fought through every mile. Both there and back.

I hope not. I hope the trip was as lovely as it looks in the posts. But I’ve lived long enough now to have learned a few things. One thing I’ve learned is that envying a person, whether it’s a friend or a relative, an everyday person or a superstar celebrity, is dumb.

They’ve got shit going on in their lives, the same as you and I. And much of the time, it’s way shittier. There’s friction on the job. Trouble at home. Money issues. Affairs. Sex problems. Their kids are driving them insane, and their home is a daily war zone. There could be drugs, drinking, in-law interference, you name it.



Edwina Owens Elliott

Illustrator, graphic designer, indie author. A creature of habit but our evolution continues.