How To Get In The Zone For Writing

What helps writers write? I asked. Writers answered.

Rachael Ann Sand
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2020


Source: Photo of author. ©Rachael Ann Sand.

Silence, coffee, exercise, music… Do you have a writing routine or go-to method for getting the words flowing? I posted a poll in a group of writers asking how they get in the zone for writing. Perhaps the responses will inspire you to change-it-up if you’re struggling, or keep-it-up if you’ve been crushing it. Find what works to create your best work.

Poll responses in order of popularity:

  • silence (most popular by far)
  • all the coffee tied with music
  • time in nature/a walk
  • ambient sounds tied with pressure of deadlines
  • vigorous exercise/cardio
  • a cup of coffee tied with breaking news stories
  • thinking about goals
  • insomnia
  • long journeys
  • meditation

Writers shared a bit more about what works.

“Silence. And in a house with a preteen and a preschooler (both female) and a stay at home husband dying for adult conversation, quiet is my own personal unicorn.” by Jill Valentino.



Rachael Ann Sand

Passionate about the next generation of all living things. Sharing life lessons & experiences with humor and love. https://ko-fi.com/rachaelann