success path

Is Success A Trade!?

Do we leave valuable things to achieve success?

White Castle


bonaventura leaving the San Siro
Giacomo Bonaventura, Screenshots by the author

A question that many do not see while they are on the journey of searching for the desired success,

And when it reaches that success, the question becomes clear with a shocking answer, when you look behind you on that path and see many things that you lost with your consent without knowing,

That’s the barter,

For this I will tell you frank honest words, do not fight over the opportunity too many times,

seek it once, twice, after that stop, take the path of another opportunity, make sure that you do not exhaust yourself in constant attempts in one way,

Make sure that the paths of Allah Almighty by His Wise Power are full, knock on the door of each of them and at least one will open,

“I don’t like tattoos, weird hairstyles, earrings and so on, things just a trend; you need the right balance because football amplifies your ego, it’s a ruthless world, the world of football, I worked a lot, sacrificed my family and my free time to be ready,”

said Giacomo Bonaventura

Exactly four years ago, after 6 seasons and 184 games, the gentle player Jacques Bonaventura left Milan and, unlike others, did it with beautiful elegance, although San Siro is empty, but he deserved the respect of everyone,

There is no success comparable to satisfaction, satisfaction with oneself and the lovers around you and your small circle, which if you were offered the fame of the whole world would be equal to the splendor of your satisfaction.

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White Castle

Real Madrid 🤍, all the news, reactions and opinions to share with you about this club. write also about stories from this game that we can learn from.