It Doesn’t Affect You Until It Affects You

Nanci Arvizu
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2018


Photo by Madi Robson on Unsplash

So much is happening in the world.

I hear the words, the fear. I see the inability to deal with reality, especially when I hear things like, ‘those people,’ and ‘their problem,’ and the worst, ‘not my problem,’ or ‘this doesn’t affect me.’


Whatever “it” is, it either affects you, or it doesn’t.

It’s only when whatever ‘it’ is beginning to affect you, that you step up and (try to) do something about it. (Or, in a lot of cases, you still don’t do something about it. Instead, you expect others to step in and fix the problem.)

Here’s a list of things that don’t affect you, until they do.

What if any of these things were affecting you, now?

You have Cancer
You lose your job
Your Spouse Dies
Your Child Dies
Your spouse cheats on you
A Mugging
A School Shooting
Your Child is killed in school
A Church Shooting
A Workplace Shooting
A Bank Robbery
Your husband is killed at work
Your loved one is shot dead while attending a concert.
You have to leave where you live because there is no water
You have to leave where you live because of fire
You have to leave where you live because of flood
You have to leave where you live because…



Nanci Arvizu

Intentionally, relentlessly, consistently pursue your passion.