Mum Knows Best How to Avoid Pointless Arguments

Harold stormed into my office — it had happened again

JoJo M
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2024


Two women practiscing boxing
Photo by Lucy Dunne on Unsplash

Two months ago, Harold stormed into my office, as he is prone to do. He was furious once again.

“I can’t work with her,” he told me. “She’s doing my head in.”

Harold is as dramatic as they come. He has two settings, ‘on’ or ‘off his trolley’. Blue touch paper is less reactive to a flame than he is to words.

“I’ve had it up to here,” he shouted, while pointing at his forehead.

“Up to where?” I said.

“Here, up to here.” And he began stabbing his finger into his forehead like some masochist on a mission to knock himself unconscious.

I snorted.

Couldn’t help myself. He was being so ridiculous. I let out a laugh and tried to cover it up as it left my mouth. Harold stopped stabbing his forehead, and he looked at me, confused.

That was enough. The tension went from his finger, his jaw eased. I was relieved and laughed. He joined in.

We sat for a while.

He talked me through what had happened, how Ginger rubbed him up the wrong way. How he felt it was her way or no way. How annoying he…

