Personal Essay

A Brief Briefing about Briefs

Getting Hot about Dirty Laundry

The Ink Rat
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2020


The Source of Good Ideas? (Photo by The Ink Rat)

Standing in the shower, scalding water cascades. Soapy bubbles froth, escaping. Enlightened thoughts about hidden family memories flare up in fresh light among rising steam clouds.

I forget these invigorating ideas when warm toes hit cold tiles back on the outside. But sometimes a notion becomes trapped and rattles around, ready to be tamed.

Growing up, my mother warned us to protect personal information.

“Keep it to yourself.”

“What they don’t know can’t be used against you.”

“Don’t talk about it.”

“It’s no one else’s business.”

Now conventional, moderate and careful, I learned to suppress my inner dissenter as I grew into an adult. But my wayward side still wants attention, wants to entertain and reveal truths to you, my unknown friends.

“Hang my mother’s advice.”

Unclean laundry requires airing. I want to share my smears and smudges and personal stains with you. It thrills me and cleanses me at the same time.

But a modicum of reserve remains.



The Ink Rat

I'm a creative copywriter and editor passionately supporting professional service businesses to productively create, engage, and persuade.