Our inside v. outside thoughts and deeds

Prayers In The Dark

Do they reveal our true nature?

Joe Luca
Published in
6 min readJul 27, 2024


Side profile of a man in a dark background
Pixabay Image

As we lie in bed at night and reflect on the day we just had and on the things in our lives that need to be fixed — is there any subject that’s off-limits?

Just last week, a former president was shot at by some kid who thought it was a good idea. His life is over.

His intended target moved on and the world was jolted into what, exactly? A new reality? A better position than the one it occupied moments before it happened? Everyone was appalled by what took place. It was a terrible thing. And it was.

But if we go back in time, just a little, we’d be reacquainted with the words and vitriol being said back and forth about a man who many were not very happy with.

But it made me think — how unhappy were they?

During those moments when humans are alone and there is no one and nothing between them and their God, did anyone request an end to the peril they saw coming?

And if they did, what form did it take?

We all pray for peace of mind. For an end to some turmoil. For better savings, a higher-paying job, or relief from an abusive situation.



Joe Luca

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.