Should You Let Everyone Know You’re Unemployed By Advertising It On LinkedIn?
My experience says skip the “Open to Work” picture frame
After a year without employment — apart from writing on Medium, which is barely lucrative enough to qualify as a side gig — I pimped out my LinkedIn profile pic with the Open to Work frame (see photo above).
I’d avoided it previously because it felt sad and humiliating, but you know what they say about desperate times. Anyway I figured it wouldn’t actively harm my chances of landing a job, and if my qualifications and achievements weren’t doing the trick, it might be time to play the pity card.
Was it a good idea? Read on.
Let’s talk about LinkedIn
All social media platforms have a vibe. Facebook is ads and Boomer memes, Instagram is brunch, bikinis, and millenial humour, X-Twitter is an outhouse fire for screeching attention whores, and TikTok is for those whose attention span has been shredded by a deluge of online irrelevancies.
What most platforms have in common is that people post about what they enjoy doing, even if that’s just bickering with other online weirdos. LinkedIn is about people pretending to enjoy…