The Gift of Annual Mammograms

Chinmay Kumar Choudhury
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2024


A Simple Poetic Guide for Older Women’s Health

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

In later years, when life slows down,
Annual checks can save a frown.
For older women, wise and bright,
Mammograms bring peace of night.

At sixty-five or more, it’s key,
To screen each year, a safeguard free.
In early stage, most breast lumps show,
So cancers caught, may cease to grow.

Yale School tells a simple truth,
That screening helps protect your youth.
In women over seventy-four,
It’s vital still, perhaps even more.

A study showed in data plain,
Five-year survival rates sustain.
Early found, they rise to ninety-nine,
With mammograms, you’ll be just fine.

Missing tests might close a door,
On health you could’ve known before.
Screen each year, with courage true,
For life to shine anew, anew.

Small lumps might hide, but they can’t stay,
When mammograms clear them away.
Without this scan, the risks do grow,
From fifteen percent, to higher show.

The test is quick, no need to fear,
With modern tech, the pain’s not near.
A few minutes, it’s done, you’re free,
A tiny step for health to be.

The costs are small, the value high,
In dollars saved, and long life’s sigh.
Insurance often covers all,
So heed this call, and stand tall.

False positives can sometimes come,
But further checks make problems numb.
It’s better this than miss the start,
Of something that could break your heart.

Doctors say the choice is wise,
For annual checks through older eyes.
From seventy to ninety, it’s still a must,
For bodies aging, it builds trust.

For those with history in their kin,
Screening’s more important in.
A higher chance means you must take,
This yearly test, for your own sake.

Research proves, and lives do show,
That early tests make cancers slow.
From Yale’s own lab, the findings stand,
Protecting life with every scan.

Think of family, friends so dear,
Mammograms keep you near.
For years ahead, with joy and grace,
With health intact, in every place.

Remember those who walked this path,
Who wished they’d known the math.
Preventive steps can halt the dread,
And keep your future safely spread.

Hey older women, hear the call,
For annual checks, stand tall.
Yale’s advice, a simple guide,
For health and life, by your side.

Thank you, dear reader, for your time,
To journey through this health-filled rhyme.
Mammograms, as we’ve simply shown,
Are crucial as our years have grown.

They help to guard and guide the way,
Ensuring life has more to say.
As you ponder this wisdom given,
Reflect on how to keep life driven.
Will you take the yearly chance, to enhance your health’s graceful dance?

Please share your thoughts in the comments!

