Valerie — Based On A True Story

Part 2 of 3

Daniel Caruana Smith


Everybody loves you, baby you’re the king of the night, and I’m the only one making sure I stay out of your sight.

The following is based on a true story I’ve seen unfold. Names have been changed, but situations are exactly as I’ve experienced them, or heard about.

Staff parties at The Firm are few and far between. Admin avoids opportunities for interdepartmental gossip — divide and rule is their thing. We were sitting in a huddle, Mike glued to my side as usual.

His obsession with Val hadn’t changed. If anything, it had gotten worse.

Tony and Marco, a pair of old acquaintances, sat in front of us. Tony sneered when Mike glanced at Valerie in the crowd.

“Is she even old enough to drink?” He teased.

Marco didn’t say anything, but I could tell he didn’t approve. He stood up and invited us to a cigarette outside. Mike and Marco followed.

I tagged along, even though I don’t smoke. The smell of cigarettes disgusts me, but it’s better than sitting alone.

As they puffed away in the parking lot, a gaggle of women came out the door. They stopped for a chat (and presumably a smoke) on the other side of a metal divider that frames the doorway.

They couldn’t see us, but from where we were standing, we could hear everything they said.

Judging by the loud voices, curses and laughs, the ladies had hit the drink hard. Tony cupped a hand to his ear, listening in on the girl-talk.

“Oh, I’d totally do Ryan. He’s hot, and he’s single.”

“Yeah. I like John from admin, but he’s engaged. Doesn’t know what he’s missing.”

Tony and Marco’s faces split into wide grins.

“Say doll, you’ve been all quiet.” Another voice drawled.

“Yeah, been giving anyone the eye?”

Vultures, circling their prey.


Valerie’s voice — Mike cocked his head. I could see her through the gap between the divider and the wall. Her slim figure looking amazing in the short red dress.

“Oh my god just tell already,” A voice whined.

Val giggled, making her cascade of velvet, black hair shimmer.

“Well…. this is going to sound really weird…”

“Valerie dear, just tell. How bad can it be? Dave the janitor? Or Pete?”

A roar of laughter.

“It’s Mike.”

Marco’s jaw dropped open. Tony puckered his lips. Before I could stop him, Mike peered round the divider.

“Well, I can’t blame you doll,” a sly voice broke the silence. “He’s good looking.”

“But he’s engaged.” Valerie sounded anxious. “I try to keep my distance, but it’s hard when he sits a desk away from you. When we work together, I’m not even sure what he’s saying half the time. He wears those fitted suits, and just stands over my desk sometimes…”

Her voice trailed away as more and more faces turned towards the divider. Whether it was the smoke, or Mike’s gawping face, they’d seen us. Valerie turned a bright red, dropped her cigarette, and stumbled inside.

None of us had ever heard her gush like that, about anything.

“Oops.” Smiled one of the ladies, holding a hand to her rouged lips.

Mike turned back to us. Marco shook his head in disbelief.

“That girl of yours. She’s got a lot to learn, I’ll tell you that.” He pointed with the rim of his plastic cup.

“May’s his girl.” I corrected.

“Hope she’s all right.” Mike gazed at the ground.

Tony cackled.

“Of course, she’ll be fine. It’ll teach her to be careful where she blabs. You think they can be trusted with anything?” He pointed at the women. “They probably would’ve called you over to listen.”

“Hey, f**k you, Tony.” A voice called over my shoulder.

He blew her a kiss.

“Love you too, sweetie.”

“Be right back.” Mike put down his cup.

Don’t do anything stupid.

I considered stopping him, telling him no good would come of this, but there, in front of Tony and Marco, wasn’t the right place or time.

“Always the gentleman,” Tony smirked as Mike left us.

There would be gossip tomorrow — the nasty type.

Valerie was in her office, collecting a few things. She jumped as Mike walked in, as though she’d seen a ghost.

“Hi.” She whispered.

“Listen, about what you said. You don’t have to be ashamed.”

“You’re ok with it?”

Why was she surprised? By now, it was common knowledge that there was something between the two of them.

“I’ll take it as a compliment” He smiled “Don’t let them get to you.”

“Not everyone’s caring, like you.” Her big, brown eyes welled up.

“Erm, yeah sure. I have your back. We’re good friends.”

Friends. Mike later told me it was his way of setting boundaries.

A tear rolled down her cheek.

“I’d better go.”

She made for the door.


Her short, fuzzy jacket lay on the desk. Mike grabbed it, holding it out for her to slip into.

“Thanks, I’m not gonna wear it.”

Avoiding his eyes, she took it, digging her fingers into the soft fur.

The tap of her high-heels echoing through the building as she headed off down the corridor.



Daniel Caruana Smith

Daniel is a writer, senior teacher and geographer based in Malta. His main passion is empowering students to fulfill their aspirations and reach their goals.