Victimhood As Identity
Musings on when our wounds don’t serve us anymore
A mind unquestioned is the world of suffering.
-Byron Katie
I have noticed a trend in not only the sharing of wounds but also how we share our wounds on social media.
It is important to voice lived experiences, yes. At the same time, much of this sharing (especially on video), starts to enter an area where we release ownership of processing what happened, to others who watch or engage with us.
Then, after some time, there becomes a synergistic moment, when this sharing does not serve us anymore.
If we stay in this narrative long enough, it can become what we identify with and are defined by.
Is there a time when holding onto wounds, becomes more sacrifice than service?
This may bring up feelings in people wanting to fight this – I acknowledge that- and I encourage you to indulge me in this perspective shift; this is a “both-and” conversation.
How one interprets “ being a victim of” something, is very different from person to person, as is how being a victim affects us, and those around us.