We Forget About It

Although we are living in it

Suntonu Bhadra


Doodle by the writer.

A cliché in walking past the path we left behind, towards the path that carries us to the predictive moments of uncertainty, whether the fortune teller deceives or the fortune smiles; the foundation builds on the moment we live by,

if we dare
to care!

Suntonu Bhadra

What are the most significant realizations you have had in the last two years?

For me, those are:
👀 you can’t change your past but can learn from it,
✍️ you can’t predict the future; you can plan & work to create the path for it,
😎 all the learning, planning, and work you can do are only in the present.

👉 So, be present in the present moments that you are passing through. 👈

