What’s In a Name?

Boss rants



Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

What a great privilege to be awarded the word of the day by her majesty Killer. We realize it’s the effect of a “Cause”, which we must find among the pile of frustrations, a bundle of blunders leading to mounting mockery.
I didn’t want to miss the golden chance when asked-
<Could you spell the name, please?>
Of course,
K for kaleidoscopic moods
I meaning Insensitive
L like a Leech
L disciple of Lucifer
E since Eccentric
R for ruthless, downright rude, relentless and…
<V!! I think we all got the gist.>

We? sheet! Con call.

-An act of Dumbassery

Thank you for reading!

This was inspired by Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) prompt on rants. Do check out her publication for stimulating those neurons.

Thank you Christine Graves for labelling this act!

This was inspired by Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她) prompt on rants. Do check out her publication for stimulating those neurons.

Thank you Susan Brearley, BOFace and Contemplate for this chance

