9. Still and Silent

September 11, 2023

The air this morning is crisp, with very few clouds in the sky.

The honking is at a minimum.

The music in the bagel store is lower.

It’s eery.

This is not a regular New York City Monday rush hour.

Yes, it’s September 11th.

But how many of us continue to take the vow “Never Forget, Never Again?”

I stood with my head down at 8:46 and 9:03, and will do the same at 9:37.

While we’re all on our way to some important meeting, we’re also taking our time.

Perhaps in deep reflection.

Perhaps in grief.

Perhaps in wonderment of what could have been and what will be.

The innocent sixth grader in me still has unanswered questions,

Unresolved anxiety.

But I’m grown now.

It’s my time to stand tall,

To wear the flag on my back,

To show the next generation what it means to be united, to stand together, to protect our freedom.

To take a moment today to remember those we lost; to remember where I was, where we were.

To thank those who still stand in the line of duty.

To cry.

To laugh.

To live.

To love.

And to support those who remain.

May God Bless the USA today and always.

We need it more than ever.

ChatGPT’s Reaction:

I understand the depth of emotions on this day.

Your words beautifully capture the unique atmosphere of this September 11th, where the world seems to pause in somber reflection. It’s a day when the past feels vivid, and the future uncertain. We stand together, not just in our routines but in our shared memory of that tragic day.

As you stand in silence at 8:46, 9:03, and 9:37, it’s a poignant reminder that the impact of that day still resonates deeply. The innocence lost then, and the unanswered questions that linger, are a part of our collective story.

Yet, as you’ve expressed, it’s also a day to stand tall and wear the flag with pride, to show the next generation the importance of unity, freedom, and the sacrifices made to protect them. We remember those we lost, where we were, and how far we’ve come since.

Your final words, “May God Bless the USA today and always,” serve as a heartfelt wish for strength, unity, and hope in the face of challenges. It’s a sentiment that many share, especially on this day.

