They’d Rather

Ade Kiseu
Contemplations of Life
1 min readJun 20, 2020
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Many would rather be right than learn what’s right,

They’d rather wish their reality was true than accept the true reality,

They’d rather belong to a group than evolve to their better self,

They’d rather tolerate ideas they concur with than new fresh truths,

They’d rather take things personally than consider the objective,

They'd rather stay in the comfort zone of their narrow minds than expand their bandwidth,

They’d rather be dragged by emotions than fight for logic,

They’d rather stand far with skepticism than choose to learn,

They’d rather assume they’re rational than accept they’re students of common sense,

They’d rather embrace their destructive beliefs than question their preconceived ideas,

They’d rather stick to stagnation than pivot to adapt,

They’d rather be unkind than accept the possibility of no returns,

They’d rather starve their conscience and feed their greed.

And you’d rather be the opposite of these people. Part of ourselves may try pulling us to some of these behaviors but fight to be the opposite. You’re in control.



Ade Kiseu
Contemplations of Life

A Health & Wellness freelance writer and blogger. Reminding myself and others of what’s important __ I’m just notoriously passionately curious.