How I Was Willingly Banned from Spiritual Networks (

Chris (Mystic Life)
Contemporary Spirituality
3 min readOct 18, 2014


I would like to share about the following experience to help others decide whether or not they want to be members of Spiritual Networks. Although I usually try to avoid obnoxious people, life sometimes presents me with situations that I don’t wish to simply ignore.

To clarify my post below, if I had been previously warned that I had violated a Spiritual Networks policy, I wouldn’t have so much minded his obnoxious response to my attempt to report another person’s spam. However,’s site owner, Jason, is apparently passive-aggressive and held on to being upset about some of my past posts, without revealing he had a problem with them until I reported someone spamming my inbox.

Here is a post from my Facebook page:


I probably won’t be on the site much longer despite having met a lot of cool people. In the past I noticed that when I made a technical suggestion to the site owner, Jason, he was strangely defensive. I decided I would just avoid him, but last night I received a spam email from a member and used the system’s “Report” feature. Jason’s response was:

“You’re complaining about Sabrina’s spam email when you yourself have promoted your own website many times?”

I thought for a few minutes about whether or not to ignore him again, but decided to express myself because I no longer felt attached to being part of his system. So my acerbic reply to him was:

“I highly recommend hiring someone to handle your customer service inquiries since you have zero tact and a distinct absence of people skills.

Personally, I discern a difference between sending direct message spam and me referencing the origin of one’s quoted material in a post…but it’s up to you as to what kind of sad little Facebook-imitation site you want to run.

Feel free to remove her or remove me, but please don’t communicate with me directly on this topic because you are clearly trying to act out some kind of unresolved emotional issue that I have no interest in being a part of.

By the way, I wish you well with trying to get the attractive females to fall in love with your pathetic personality-disordered self by complementing their pics. It is the pinnacle of professionalism for a site owner to use his site for flirting. I’m sure that’s working well for you.”

(end of my reply)

When I used Google to try to verify his name, I found out that many others have had issues with this guy:

Energy Vampire? Owner Jason McElhorne Tries to Bully Me on Facebook

SpiritualNetworks reviews

(end of references)

So…after giving it some thought, I decided to delete my account at SN even if he does not delete it himself. It’s kind of like being in a dysfunctional family where you have a lot of cool siblings but a horrible parent. I will miss the networking opportunities, but I have reached a point where I can’t enable dysfunctional systems.

(end of Facebook post)

I also posted about what had happened on, which probably sealed my ban. I noticed that the first two responses from members were empathic. Later in the day I saw that he had commented three times, but by then I had been banned and so I couldn’t see what he said (even though I probably wouldn’t have chosen to since I like to avoid negative energy).

This experience reinforced that even if a system offers something good (in this case, networking opportunities with like-minded people) I don’t want to be part of something that is run by people I don’t respect. I’ve run into this dynamic previously with work and family environments, so this situation was ultimately an opportunity to practice what I’ve learned about boundaries and avoiding being an enabler.


Check out Chris’s (pen name, Mystic Life’s) book Spiritual Polyamory

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Chris (Mystic Life)
Contemporary Spirituality

I'm an author on personal & spiritual growth. I enjoy sharing concepts from spirituality & psychology that increase well-being.