The Three R’s

Research, Research, and Research


This is the first post in a series I’ve decided to create to document the chronicles of the lessons I hope to learn over the next couple of months as I embark on creating (within the village of supporters I work with) a content based business in the Gulf Cooperation Council region of the Arabic speaking nation known to many as the Middle East.

Today I submit the time table of products I plan to complete to get the initial investment and start pouring more hours into the next phase of the business I’ve been trying to build for the past 12 months.

I don’t know if this will be a pleasant read for people, but I’m hoping my background in blogging will help me chronicle the journey to help others to it better. Or at least do it in case I fail…That is something I have a serious hard time accepting is possible. Failure.

So to start I should advise all those who plan on starting a business in the GCC region to do as much as research as your passion can drive while not neglecting your operational and business duties which are pending your resolve.

The idea of research is to become THE subject matter expert on the tasks with most leverage in your business. It is critical for you to be able to understand and attempt to resolve any critical challenges you have in those domains, for us it’s content generation. So I need to learn everything I can about the process of video production, training material design, cognitive learning, and video based businesses.

Being in a region while the majority of residents are expats for life lowers the level of passion in the workforce you normally recruit fresh of school, you need to grow your talent in house, and when that fails. Look for passion elsewhere, but never compromise on passion. It can’t be taught. Trust me, I’ve tried.



Ahmad AlShagraاحمد الشكرة
Content as a Second Language

انسان، مهتم بالواقع وتحسينه بالتعليم. مسلم، عربي، عراقي