The 9 Most Influential Free Tools I Use for My Business

If you’re considering a leap into entrepreneurship/freelancing, read this first.

Delaney Jaye
Content Cafe


Photo created by the author. Lavendai Creative is her business website.

Thousands of new businesses are started every single day. 2020 alone saw 4.4 million new businesses open, which is a 24% increase in business applications over just the year prior. If you’re interested in starting a business or have recently taken the leap, you’re not alone. You’re also exactly where I was just a few years ago. If you’re anything like me (a bit scrappy), you’ve probably spent hours scouring the internet for free tools to use for your business, tested dozens, and have rarely found one you love. But don’t give up, I’m here to help. In this article, I’ll give you the free tool cheat sheet. Here are the 9 most influential free tools I use for my business.

The 9 Most Influential Free Business Tools

I won’t waste your time, let’s just get into it.

(Obligatory Disclaimer: None of this is sponsored — this article contains only my personal and brutally honest opinion. Every tool featured here is free to use in a capacity that is genuinely useful and no purchases are necessary. With that said, there are affiliate links embedded in the text below should you decide to make a purchase. In which case, thank you

