Content Consumed: June 8

Casey Noller
Content Consumed
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2022

Happy Wednesday! You’re halfway through the work week and I bet you’ve got some great weekend plans. Get excited about it.

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Anyways, today’s Content Consumed:

  • The “bad vibes” economy (Vox). Aka: my weekly “is everything really the worst right now, and how does the economy work?” call with my dad. Like everyone else in their early-to-mid-twenties, I’ve been a 401k-holding capitalist worker only during a never-ending global pandemic. It’s really, really hard to tell how bad things actually are because this is our norm—and because the Internet/media sensationalizes everything one way or another. So please, read this article. It’s a great explainer of everything going on right now, written for folks like me.
  • Hey, can I get a bump of that caviar? (NYT). Some foods are made better with the experience. I have a theory that half the people who “like” oysters just order them for the fun of the slurp and the aesthetics of it. So are “bumps” of caviar — licking fish roes of your fist — bound to be the new oyster shooters, the new tequila-salt-lick? I wouldn’t bet on it.
  • Apple confirms deal For Brad Pitt Formula One film with ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ director (Deadline). Apologies for doubling up on Brad Pitt two days in a row. My bad. But this is relevant to many of my interests: Formula One, sports movies, entertainment industry news, and, unfortunately, Brad Pitt. It’s important to note that 7-time world champ Lewis Hamilton is signed on as a producer, so I actually have high hopes. I’ve enjoyed non-F1 work (and, obviously, F1 work) of his in the past and this should ensure that the movie isn’t a complete deviation from accuracy. Also, feels like Brad is a wee bit old to play “a driver who comes out of retirement to compete alongside a rookie against the titans of his sport.” Anyways, you know I’ll watch it no matter what.
  • Fire Island, the gay rom-com of the summer (Buzzfeed News). I haven’t watched it yet, but I promise I will! It’s supposed to be a lovely and funny film, and I’m obsessed with the viral tweet going around that it got an “F- on the Bechdel Test”. Whaaaaaat? A movie about friendship and love between a group of queer AAPI men didn’t cater one bit to women? Oh, the horror! …Can’t wait to watch it.
  • Let’s save the American mall (NYT). Malls really weren’t supposed to be so ugly. Just a couple hundred years ago in cosmopolitan Europe, they were lush and green spaces to gather, chit chat, people-watch, eat, and of course, do a bit of window-shopping. This Times author argues that we don’t even need to tear down the buildings: some spaces just need a little renovation and restoration to become spaces of beauty and socialization once again.

That’s it for today!




Casey Noller
Content Consumed

Welcome to the dinner party. I'll let you know what everyone's talking about—and what everyone should be talking about—with my column, Content Consumed.