Best Practices for Backlinks in 2021

Write a Writing
Content Creation and Story Telling
9 min readOct 19, 2020
Backlinks, Best Practices, 2021
Best Practices for Backlinks in 2021

What are Backlinks?

One of the prodigies of digital content marketing is backlinks. A backlink is a certain connection of one web page of a site, with another webpage of another site. The very idea behind a webpage is to help to arrive audiences acquire more out of their user experience; by providing them with specialized content as well as services, by linking them to the right platforms. The linking website adds value to its brand; if it helps a viewer moves further down the funnel than turning him/her away.

What are Quality Backlinks?

A quality backlink is when a well-reputed website decides to use your website; like your services page, any blog article or your contact, for satisfactory user experience for their viewers.

A well-reputed website is measured on the scale of domain authority and high traffic. Web domain authority is a score designed to predict the likelihood of the appearance of its weblink on the search engines. And, the web crawlers trust the webpage enough to help viewers land the webpage.

How To Acquire The Most Profitable Backlinks?

1- Develop Topic-Centered Content

You need backlinks but at the same time, your desire is to achieve a higher ranking through legitimate means and rewards well-earned. For that, make sure to write such content, that is amazingly well-centered around the topic you are writing on. Why?

A content piece whose every word and explanation is extremely specific about a certain niche; provided that it covers all related topics around and about it, will make itself more prominent in the relatable genre; and hence, other relevant websites will be interested in adding backlinks in their content, to a well-rounded piece, that goes in-depth about their topic. One more thing, it also helps establish a reputation of holding authority over that specific content.

2- Develop Well-Researched Content

A well-researched content is another way to go higher up in the preference lists of website owners who are looking for an accurate, well-researched piece to backlink their content. Google algorithms are very conscious of good SEO-engineered content.

Data-driven content creation is the new norm of the day, where readers and writers are more excited to know about how many people die of liver cancer to extract a certain unfortunate conclusion and build caution, than simply knowing the fact that “smoking is bad”. Data-driven content with the most recent and accurate statistics; back-linked and referenced from well-reputed research websites and think-tanks’ academic journals and surveys, is highly likely to receive a satisfactory response in the online world. Hence, use accurate statistics in almost every content piece to develop a trustworthy reputation.

3- Develop Well-Distributed Content

A well-distributed content map is another way to attain the trust of other websites, as well as searchers. Not only does this strategy serve as an amazing back-linking tool for website owners to find the relevant niche in your overall piece and link their content to yours, but it also helps the SEO algorithms of Google and other search engines verify your content easily.

The algorithms and the viewers share the same instinct of “liking” and “preferring” a well-sorted out piece. Believe it or not, it does matter and people linger over longer on webpages with simply well-separated and distributed content.

4- Strategize Your Back-Linking

A back-linking strategy can go on forever. It can be high-tech, as well as highly demanding. It asks a website owner to have a long-sighted vision and understanding of the online algorithms. These algorithms can work wonders if dealt with intelligently. Hence, a back-linking strategy would require you to be extremely patient.

5- Do Online Networking With Relevant Website Owners

It is not too much to ask when I say that you send a professional and a personalized email to highly-trafficked bloggers and website owners whose content is somewhat related to yours; ask them to give a shoutout to your webpage. I also do not think that it is too much to ask you to send them a complimentary free product of your company and send such emails to almost thirty to fifty such website owners and bloggers a day.

So, now, do you think it’s too much to ask if this effort lands you some loyal subscribers; on the authority that you hand-picked the audience yourself, considering you contacted the owners of your very choice with the relevant online content?

6- Find Websites That Share Your Niche

It requires you to look for them on Google, Bing, Yahoo and all these search engines, along with the use of the most recent software and apps; which are there to help you find online websites who share the same niche as you. So, start backlinking them to your content in a way that you create a net of links that is about your content and from people who share your interest.

Backlinking is a way to build a mode of communication between your content and theirs. And, while you are at it, start mentioning them, or writing your responses to their pieces. This back-and-forth is the most diplomatic way to stay up-to-date with the industry trends and have the audience get interested in your content. If your content is worthy, your new diplomatic partners will acknowledge you as well.

7- Ask Influential Bloggers From Your Industry

This is an old technique. Back then, Famous TV stars were asked to endorse a drink or apparel brand to get people to buy products of that brand. Now, the only difference is that there is no shortage of celebrities. There is almost an abundance of them; and to a point that their value is low enough that you can afford them, with a simple PR package. Get them to give you and your service a shout out.

I cannot even begin to describe the power of Tik Tokers, YouTubers, Instagram influencers and other social media celebs. They hold hundreds and millions of subscribers who are tuning in to their content daily. A massive shout out will help you attain followers and customers in a blink.

Backlinks Strategy in 2021

1- Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards, Backlink Strategy, Marketing Management
Discussion Boards

A simple way to generate your own backlink is through a discussion board. Among other tools to generate backlinks for your content, a discussion board can prove to be a good investment. How do you do that? Make a list of all websites working in your area of interest.

A discussion board is a forum-based webpage, where you can post hyperlinks to your very own website, through something called discussion board tags. These tags provide short introductions to your websites and companies in a clickable textual content, something called anchor textual content. If certain backlinks are pasted on high-ranking boards, it is the easiest way to get readers to click on your hyperlink to land on your page.

2- Wikipedia

Wikipedia, Marketing Tactics, Backlinking

Wikipedia can be used as a free-resource tool to create a back-strategy for your backlink. Find topics that are remotely and directly relevant to your topic, and are also ranked higher in terms of traffic on the pages of Wikipedia.

Now, the task is simple. You have to write an authoritative piece on something relevant to your list of topics; use those heavily trafficked pages as your internal links to your own resource page on Wikipedia. And, by creating this resource page, you will get access to linking your own webpage to a piece of content you wrote yourself in Wikipedia.

3- Guest Posts

Guest Posts, Website Content, Marketing Management
Guest Posts

I know haters will hate this since guest posts are considered among one of the backlink strategies you should avoid. But, it is hard for a genuinely-amazing website to stay anonymous for long in the ocean of websites in the internet world.

This technique can work wonders; as long as the content you write in the blog is also as powerful and genuine as it is on your website. Yes, guest posts are blogs designed and created to add backlinks to your main website.

The stigma with these posts is regarding the rigid useless content of the posts; that is manipulated, just for the sake of adding a backlink to the owner’s webpage. It is a cheap tactic and SEO experts are highly critical of it. But, if you write solid content on the blog, then there should be no inhibition in linking your webpage through a guest blog.

4- Analyze Competitor Quality Backlinks

Backlink Strategy, Quality Assurance, Competitor Analysis
Analyze Competitor Quality Backlink

It is an organic way to analyze the domain authority of your competitor’s website. Learning how to conduct a competitor’s backlink analysis not only helps you monitor the performance of your competitor online but also helps you to learn the industry-leading websites; that are potentially capable of driving a large amount of traffic to other websites.

This way, you can literally analyze the characteristic features of your competitor’s website as well as its backlinking high-profile websites, and critically compare yours to them, to understand your weak spots.

5- Email Marketing

Email Marketing, Marketing Operations, Backlinking Methodologies
Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most organic way out there to get people to reach your website. Most of the time, the tactics involved are poking the needs of interested personnel periodically, with interesting content, newsletters, free coupons, deals, and other social media marketing techniques; provided that you have access to their digital address.

Hence, a well-executed email marketing strategy can help you attain overtly loyal subscribers and followers. It is also the most respectable form of backlink strategy since the viewer is respectfully invited to arrive at the page; with the lure of good content that might help in fulfilling their curiosity and interests in that specific subject or field.

Backlink Quantity Vs Backlink Quality

Backlink Quality is already what we defined earlier. A higher domain authority website decided to recommend you; for further explanation of their content or recommendation of any service regarding their content. It means that you have inherently received a token of a well-engineered website, for your good work. It is almost like a reward on the basis of merit; hence, it will help improve your SEO score and open more doors for your content. And certainly, a mistaken-decision to shake hands with a spam website will not hurt your image.

One more thing, the quality of traffic these backlinks bring more receptive to the niche you are offering. Hence, quality backlinks help bring your audience more up your alley and nearer to your target audience. You must certainly learn how to get quality backlinks for, the benefits of these links are in effect, worthier than benefits brought on from websites with lower domain authority.

Backlink Quantity is another concept where website owners are more concerned about exposure of their web content than having their target audience approach it. It means that they would rather tolerate having a larger proportion of backlinks; with their passive audience arriving at their webpages.

This is a strategy that helps in gaining traffic, not exactly instantly, but rather more quickly than having to rely on quality backlinks. But, this strategy succeeds only when you have killer content on your landing page, with amazing and exciting infographics, a seamless user interface and amazing content. Because then you might be able to retain that traffic. However, if you do not have a powerful strategic content marketing funnel, it is highly unlikely that the people approaching your web pages will stay.

Hence, if you are willing to twist your way out of one Google algorithm for quantity backlinks, make sure that you are honestly putting in effort in your content, and acing the rest of the content marketing algorithms to achieve a large traffic goal for your website.

Here you go with a solid insight into the world of backlinks, with the strategic importance of these online marketing tactics for 2020!



Write a Writing
Content Creation and Story Telling

Master the art of storytelling via content creation for digital spaces