The First Time I Failed at Blogging

The Content Edit - Content Creators
Content Creators
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2024

When I started my very first blog, I had no idea what I was doing, or really what a blog was.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

After starting my freelance work, I saw it a way to keep up my writing & learn more about the online business space.

At the time, many of the blogs I was reading online were posting daily.

Some were even posting multiple times per day so I decided I was going to blog every single day.

I didn’t even last the first week.

I set myself up for failure from day 1.

At the time I was building a freelance social media business, a product business & still learning all about the online world.

I had no plan & I didn’t know what I was going to blog about.

Learn from my Mistakes

What I recommend now is to start slowly. You’re better to start with 1 blog a month & build up from there, rather than aiming big & stumbling before you get going.

After I missed days 3 & 4, I was ready to pack it all in.

I didn’t realize I needed to plan, to have interesting topics & give myself time to write, edit, publish & promote.

I felt like a failure before I’d even given myself a chance.

Fortunately, I wasn’t ready to quit & after a few false starts, I set myself 1 blog post a week. This was something I knew I could stick to, gave me a chance to create content & gave me confidence with my blogging skills.

I’m so glad I didn’t let this stop me from blogging. My life would have been very different if I’d given up because I set my sights too high.

It’s ok to start small & slowly grow into what you’re doing as your confidence & skills increase along the way.

If you haven’t blogged for a while, set yourself a goal of getting back into it. Set an attainable plan, think of a few topics & get going.

Let’s Create Together 💖

