It’s Simple and Saves Time!

Dorcas Emanor
3 min readMay 28, 2024


I call it the Creator’s heavy lifter!

Wonder how your favourite creators always have content ideas? Or how every post resonates?

As creators in a digitally savvy world where content rules as king, we may feel a need to put something out almost every minute!

While this may seem good because it keeps us on our toes, it could also be our very own Freddy Krueger!

So, how do we as creators keep creating content that resonates with our audience and lets our voice, creativity and expertise shine through?

If you read the line before this, I’m convinced you want to — so let’s dive right in!

The Creator’s Heavy Lifter

Staying true to our core as creators is vital if we want to connect authentically with our audience and retain our unique voice in an enormous pool of content swimming unrestrained in the waves of data.

As creators, we don’t want a large amount of following (alone, I might add — laughs) more than that, we want people who honestly connect with us and respond to what we create because they can relate — it’s not just trend-worthy, it is person-worthy.

There’s never going to come a time when creating meaningful content with our audience at the centre will be outdated — that’s a constant trend!

I know the question you’re dying to ask —

what’s the creator’s heavy lifter that’s simple and saves time?

What are Content Pillars?

Content Pillars are select topics, key themes or buckets that form the foundation of a creator’s content strategy for consistent messaging and audience engagement.

Content pillars help to centre your focus as a creator by answering three important questions;

  • Why do you want to create?
  • What do you want to create?
  • How do you want to create?

Answering these questions takes you closer to achieving consistency in your creation process.

Content pillars give a framework for your content and how your audience perceives your content;

  • Is it educative?
  • Is it promotional?
  • Is it engaging?
  • Is it entertaining?
  • Is it inspiring?

As creators, every piece of content has a purpose it is meant to fit in, support and drive our overall message.

Can you guess the great part about content pillars? We’re not streamlined to just one way of conveying our message as creators — now that’s fun!

With content pillars, we can blend two or more ways of communicating our message to our audience.

For instance, you could educate, inspire and promote with your content. (Psst! if you’re a skincare or beauty creator you might want to steal this!)

How Content Pillars Aid Content Creation

Yes, we’re getting to the good part!

Content pillars do some great heavy lifting when it comes to niching down.

As creators, we understand better than anyone how important it is to stick to something, get better and find creative ways to use our expertise.

A niche is simply that category or industry you focus on, specifically what you focus on within that category or industry.

Content pillars help you find and establish your niche within your chosen category or industry the specific topic (or topics — themes ).

Providing not only structure but, accentuating your unique voice, message and story — narrative.

Now that increases your discoverability, audience engagement and efficiency as a creator.

Content pillars make creating exciting and meaningful!

With content pillars, you can easily repurpose content into scripts, carousels, blogs, voice-overs or visual aesthetics.

It keeps you organized — with content pillars you can plan and create a month’s worth of content using a content calendar.

What’s the proof?

Here’s the story of Campaign Creators on how they used content pillar playbooks to boost organic traffic!


Content pillars are the backbone of effective content strategy. As creators we maintain our consistency, streamline our creative process, and engage our audience on a deeper level when we identify key themes and apply them across various formats.



Dorcas Emanor

I'm all about creating content, telling stories and everything in between! From the tight-lip halls of strategy to the dazzling sidewalks of creativity, FIND ME