How To Drive Curation Adoption

Possible roads to inform and motivate others to take on curation

Robin Good
Content Curation Official Guide
4 min readAug 18, 2017


Photo by paul morris on Unsplash

If content curation, as I see it, is such a useful and needed social activity, wouldn’t anyone who is passionate about it desire to facilitate its discovery, understanding and adoption?

But how do you do that?

I have been thinking a lot about this issue, also because, I do realize that content curation is not something that can be picked up on the fly, like a new cool gadget you find along the way.

Content curation is a much more complex and challenging endeavor.
As I see it, it’s a lot like quitting to smoke.

It takes patience, determination, but most than anything else, it requires motivation. Having a crystal clear, deeply felt reason for doing it.

Thus, by pondering the possible ways in which to create fertile conditions for the adoption of content curation, I have identified a starting set of potentially useful paths. To you the judgement and opportunity to improve them. These are just starting points.

1. Subsidize talented expert curators to create highly useful collections / streams. Support them economically. Donate to them. Buy their products. Patronage them. (Whoever they are. To each one his own).

2. Curate and showcase collections of great examples of content curation at work. Nothing like real-world examples can stimulate and motivate other individuals and organizations to act.
Starter: Great examples of Content Curation at Work

3. Show and tell through interviews and personal stories from actual content curators of all kinds, how they do what they do (what inspires them, what steps do they take, how do they evaluate what to include and how to add value, etc.).
Starter: Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age

4. Create public digital catalogs where to organize all of the tools, guides, resources and examples needed by a content curator with ratings, comments and reviews by actual users.
Starter: Content Curation Tools

5. Demand that curation is adopted inside schools curricula both as a key learning and teaching approach.
Starter: ISTE Standards for Students [Knowledge Costructor]

6. Map curation benefits across realms and disciplines. From personal learning, to education, journalism, marketing, publishing, online search, the arts, and more.
Starter: Curation Future Impact

7. Proactively identify and showcase the good work of new, unknown and emergent curators who are kicking it in their own chosen focus area / niche. Connect to point 3.
See: missing

8. Document negative consequences of not supporting curation for both the individual and for society. Analyze possible lost opportunities and likely outcomes.
Starter: Cultural Alzheimer

9. Create tutorials, guides and free courses that explain how to apply content curation core principles to different kinds of activities, professions and interests.
Starter: Content Curation Guide + this very Guide you are reading

10. Just let it happen. Content curation is a naturally emergent phenomenon occurring when there exists an overabundance of information choices. So, within some contexts there maybe really nothing to do, but just to wait and to let curation naturally emerge.
Starter: Benedict Evans — Lists are the new search

In a true curation spirit, it is up to you not take these 10 recommendations at face value, but to test and try them out, one by one, while definitely questioning each one and looking for more and better ones.

What other approaches should be listed here?

