This Is Content Grind

Gabrielle Sadeh
Content Grind
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2017

We’re Content Grind, an independent collective of professional content marketers.

We’re taking a break from writing for our customers to write for each other.

We meet here to share successes and stories you can relate to. You’ll find tricks of the trade as well as vents over tribulations of doing what you do.

Because as content marketers, we’re faced with a ton.

To make it through, it takes more than roundup articles with best practices, tips and benchmarks.

Yes, we all need to know the strategies and tactics to do our jobs well. But we’ll still mess up, we’ll still get things wrong, and we’ll still need support and understanding from other marketers when that happens.

This is where you can find that.

Content Grind is both the “how to” and the “how to deal.”

You’ll be able to learn how to improve your next piece of content here, but we’ll also be here when you still don’t hit your campaign goals.

Sounds like something you could use, right?

Join the collective today for a break from the content grind.

Welcome to Content Grind.



Gabrielle Sadeh
Content Grind

Digital marketing consultant slash writer slash social media specialist