Why Content Grind

Gabrielle Sadeh
Content Grind
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017


This is why.

It’s another Monday, and you’re tired …in more ways than one.

The CEO is demanding faster growth from the marketing team…again.

It’s not enough to hit all your numbers, you need to hit them harder. Faster. With less budget and more finesse — and don’t forget to stick the landing!

Coffee in hand, you start working on your inbox and see an email from the CMO.

It’s an update on your latest piece of content. The one you put two weeks, thousands of words, dozens of outreach emails, and most of your remaining pride into.

The result? Crickets so far.

What’s worse is, you can’t figure out why. You did everything right; was it just a swing and a miss?

Finally, you can’t forget about the troll who’s decided to focus on your brand this week. After all, with new tweetstorms and blog comments coming in every day, they won’t let you forget.

This is the life of a content marketer.

Now it’s Tuesday, and you’re jumping on a customer phone call.

You discuss their problems and the gears in your mind start turning. You start seeing solutions, explanations, conversations that can help them.

After pointing them towards a few pieces of content that can help, you hang up with new ideas and knowing you’ve helped someone. On Wednesday, they email you five paragraphs about how thankful they are.

That one blog post you wrote a year and a half ago made a customer’s day today.

You’re reminded… your content matters.

Your words make a difference in the lives of your audience.

They save time for your sales and support teams, speed up service, solve problems for prospects, and start conversations.

The content you create drives real results for your business.

Your latest piece may not be a hit (yet), your CEO’s expectations may be high, and you may feel like you’re drowning from time to time.

But take a break, step back, and look at things.

Welcome to Content Grind.

You can learn more about us here.



Gabrielle Sadeh
Content Grind

Digital marketing consultant slash writer slash social media specialist