Content Marketing 

Why is it so important? 

Ian Shaw
3 min readFeb 6, 2014

Mike Pedersen, a golf fitness expert, offers golfing content to golfers who are declining in physical capabilities. With his 11,000+ Twitter followers, Facebook page, and blog, Mike releases hundreds of articles such as “Golf-Specific Warm Ups” and “Golf Muscles Need to Be Strong”. By targeting his target directly, Mike is able to give his consumer base exactly the information they are searching for, and he his able to capitalize off his content by selling his Golf Fitness Training System (which includes DVDs, books and manuals) for $150. He also offers single topic DVS. exercise supplies, and membership to his online Golf Training Program. Currently Mike has an audience of about 50,000+ email subscribers that receive daily updates, news, and other valuable information from Mike’s training program.

Mike Pedersen is a very good example of someone who has embraced content marketing, rather than sticking to the old regime of sending out press releases, buying TV spots and buying ads in publications. Content marketing allows brands, both organizations and people) to become experts in their fields by releasing content that solves their target consumer’s problems. Mike and his golfing knowledge, offered to 60 year old individuals who still want to play golf yet their muscles are out of whack. He offers information to his target that can educate them on ways to become better golfers despite their conditions. This is the benefit of content marketing. Someone with valuable knowledge is able to give it out to the masses via social networks, blogs or video and without having to have budget for marketing. The best thing about this is that ANYONE can do it.

We are now living in an information age now more than ever. Information sells, markets, and builds brands. When it comes to selling, the type of valuable content produced by brands allows the consumer to pay to receive more. Weather its conferences, books, subscriptions, hosting seminars. or speaking engagements, brands are now able to give away information which then can be capitalized on and turned into profits. Content has become a great way to market a brand’s product or service. Without spending big huge chunks of money on marketing and advertising, brands are able to produce content that educates the consumer on its needs and offer solutions to their problems. This as a result leads into building the audience of targeted consumers. Consumers, such as they did for Mike, begin to sign up to receive the valuable content that brands give. While building this audience, profits increase, avenues to make profits expand, and consumers begin to see the brand as an expert.

Traditional marketers have a hard time dealing with the new content marketing technique due to its heavy involvement with social media and its notion of giving valuable content away for free. These marketers don’t see the value because the ROI is not always the dollar. With new marketing techniques such as content marketing, sales are not the only ROI smart marketers look for. Brand awareness brand interaction become the leading ROIs for brands as they dive into content marketing. With the abundance of valuable content, brands should be finding ways to educate as well as entertain their consumer with the valuable knowledge they possess. If not, the consumer will find its knowledge else where and as their knowledge go so does their business.



Ian Shaw

Stoic & Founder of South of The Trinity Ventures, a seed stage venture fund that focuses on investing and developing Black owned startups