Top Five Qualities You Should Look for in a Content Marketing Agency

Zahra Media Group
Content Marketing How-To
3 min readNov 24, 2015

With the sudden rise in content marketing and various agencies popping up into existence, it can be difficult to know how to separate the good from the great and to choose the right group to handle your content needs.

If you’re thinking of entering the world of content marketing, or are in the market for a new content partner, then make sure that your Content Marketing Agency can:

Deliver Consistent, High-Quality Content

The whole idea of content marketing revolves around reliable, good-quality accessible content that will engage both readers and staff members. If your content marketing agency doesn’t do this on a consistent basis, then it’s a waste of your money and resources.

Be There From Start to Finish

There are many elements to content marketing that don’t spend much or any time in the limelight: calendar creation, SEO and social media strategy to name but a few. Make sure your content marketing agency ticks all the boxes necessary to reach your audience and achieve your business objectives. If they don’t advertise a list of their services, make sure you request what it is they can and cannot do.

Educate Your Audience and Earn Their Trust

Make sure that your content agency doesn’t deceive your customers by using misleading headlines, overused images or quotes out of context. Agencies with a team of journalists as well as marketers is best, as the journalists will have the audience in mind, while the marketers will stay true to your business needs.

Measure and Analyse Results

Very few agencies hit the content marketing sweet spot first time round, but the good ones will measure results and then filter the good content from the bad, so that your content will constantly be on the rise. Digital is the best way of measuring the results, but you can also get feedback on publications by organising focus groups with your customers, so make sure this is available to you through your content marketing agency.

Constantly Suggest Fresh Approaches

Content Marketing is a fresh and exiting approach to marketing, especially compared to the traditional ‘interrupt’ marketing that seems dated and boring by comparison. If your content marketer can suggest new and exciting ideas that no one else is thinking in yet, that means they will force more of your target audience to sit up and take notice, something that gets more and more difficult. They will also be in a position to predict the next big trends, whatever they might be, and weave them into your company’s marketing strategy.

Most of all, make sure that your content marketing agency cares as much about your brand as you do, and that they understand the thoughts and goals behind your company.

If you are looking for a Content Marketing partner, why not start with us?
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Zahra Media Group
Content Marketing How-To

A smart, solution based media & content marketing company. We specialise in branding, digital marketing, publishing, business strategy & experiential events.