3 Questions to Ask Before Posting ANYTHING on Social Media

Rebecca Fulton
Sage Advice
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2018

Not sure if the social or blog post you are getting ready to push send on is the right one for your business? Ask these three questions first.

  1. Does it inform? Make sure you are giving your audience and readers valuable information. Whether it’s about a new product, service, or special that you are having, make sure the information is something YOU would want to have.
  2. Does it assist? It is important to not only give them valuable information, but also help them to DO something. Whether it’s how to create the best offer for your business, use your product or service more effectively, or claim your Google Business page — if you can assist them in some way, the post will be valuable.
  3. Does it entertain? Not all posts need to be all business all the time. Injecting personality into your posts is vital for your audience to relate to you. Don’t be afraid to show a little of who you are. Did you cover your boss’ office in sticky notes for his birthday? Share the photos. It is important that your readers see you as human in addition to a company; it puts them at ease and makes your business seem more approachable.

If you find that your post doesn’t answer one of these questions, take one more look before posting. You can probably make small changes to make it more valuable.



Rebecca Fulton
Sage Advice

Social Media, Content Marketing Enthusiast & Strategist works with small businesses and craves the challenges that an ever-changing digital world creates.