High-Quality Content Creation Challenges

Creating High-Quality Content To Generate Sales!

High-Quality Content Creates Curiosity And Attracts Enemies!

Deon Christie
Content Marketing Strategies (DCM)
8 min readOct 12, 2023


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Creating High Quality Content That Will Generate Sales Attracts Enemies
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this Medium story.

Creating high-quality content to generate sales introduction.

How to create high-quality content that generates sales.

Attracting enemies when creating high-quality content.

Creating high-quality content to generate sales conclusion.

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers.

Creating high-quality content to generate sales introduction.

We have quite the story to tell you, about creating high-quality content to generate sales that also attracted enemies. Creating high-quality content to generate sales is no easy task. Sadly some individuals will do their best to (try and) discredit you when they cannot outwrite you.

When creating high-quality content to generate sales, we are in “competition” with no one. We have no desire to “compete” with anyone because we are already in “competition” with ourselves. In this article, we will share our story and the devastation “enemies” can inflict upon you.

But always remember that when you encounter enemies, it does not mean defeat. It means that you are moving in the right direction. And if you’re going to feel defeated by every little “bend in the road” then online marketing might turn out to be quite the disappointment.

You cannot stop someone who refuses to be outworked, out-willed, and out-determined. And you cannot defeat writers who refuse to be intimidated and outwritten. The more professional your work gets, the more competitive your landscape becomes. That’s just how this works.

In order to succeed online you must be both humble and kind, but you must also be relentless and indestructible. Know when to be humble and kind, and also know when to “fight back”. Always be professional when creating high-quality content to generate sales.

Being relentless and being indestructible does not mean being rude. Please do not compare these attributes in any way, they are not the same. Being relentless and indestructible means you must be more professional than your competitors. And show superior qualities to those of your “enemies”.

But before we share our story about creating high-quality content to generate sales online. First, we will take a quick look at the basics of “how to” create high-quality content that will generate sales. And creating curiosity is at the core of this, followed by solving problems.

How to create high-quality content that generates sales.

Especially with online marketing, be it affiliate marketing, e-commerce of any kind or otherwise. You must become a problem solver so you can build trust and reputation as we have mentioned in several Medium stories. As long as you try to be a “salesman”, you might find online marketing a lot more challenging.

Because within one of the most competitive niches (making money online) people are looking primarily for solutions. Most readers and audiences are tired of sales pitches and so-called “professionals” trying to make a quick buck. More important, though, is the fact that your readers are more likely to remember you when you solve their problems.

As opposed to infesting your content with links (affiliate offers for instance) to try and generate sales. You might want to rather focus on the content suggestions listed below. Because that forms part of the structure of creating high-quality content that will generate sales.

Create Curiosity.

Offer Solutions.

Provide Guides.

Answer Questions.

Give Away Free Stuff.

The better your solutions and ability to solve problems become, the better your chances are of encountering “enemies”. You simply just refuse to accept defeat and keep going because you can only lose or be “defeated” when you give up.

As long as you keep going, you are yet to be “defeated”. Because success is merely a compilation of tiny objective steps in the right direction. You need to accept the fact that stumbling and falling form part of the (success) process. Staying down, however, does not!

Next up, is our story about creating high-quality content to generate sales and dealing with enemies. We took quite the tumble, but we didn’t stay down. Although the aftermath was rather devastating, here we are still and will be to our last breath! Become unstoppable, and you’re bound to cross paths with success!

Attracting enemies when creating high-quality content.

It happened to us, a true story and we will show you in a bit. Creating high-quality content to generate sales can also attract enemies. Sadly, some individuals will go to extraordinary lengths to discredit you or get what they want. Our story starts with Quora.

Someone falsely reported our profile to Quora Moderation, and perhaps they just acted a little hasty. But we do not blame Quora, because there are a lot of so-called “professionals” who blatantly abuse these sites. So, no hard feelings. We don’t have time for that, because we have work to do and a castle to build!

After we contacted Quora support, and even some of our readers did the same we learned later on. Quora apologised and (almost immediately) reinstated our profile while restoring all our content. Sadly though, the damage was done! But there is also this surprising sense of satisfaction.

This only confirms that Quora have no problem with our content and the way we leverage their site for affiliate marketing. If they did, then they wouldn’t have reinstated our profile and restored all our content. But there is another advantage to this entire debacle. Which we will get to in a bit. As illustrated below, our content view count was just about destroyed.

Creating High Quality Content That Will Generate Sales Attracts Enemies And Can Destroy Content Views
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

From over 2.3 million content views per DAY (October 06, 2021) to around 12K content views per MONTH (currently)! That is the damage a false allegation against you can do! Proving that one might have enemies you don’t even know about. And they will go to unimaginable lengths to discredit you, or “get you out the way”!

There is always a “silver lining” to any “tragedy”. When faced with something like this, it is not defeat and you must never perceive it as such. Rather accept the “compliment” that you are making your competitors nervous! They will have to do a lot better than that to stop us though, we can assure you!

Creating High Quality Content That Will Generate Sales Attracts Enemies Analytic Proof
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Admittedly, we did kind of put our Quora activity “on hold” for quite some time now. But we know exactly how we got to the millions of views per day, and we will do it again, eventually! In light of not “having all your eggs in one basket” we are currently working on growing several other online profiles. Like Medium, whom we’ve come to love!

Nonetheless, in this particular case, we have still compiled and created a free traffic strategy that worked. Adding to our arsenal as we move forward. Because it is all about providing solutions as mentioned earlier, and “buyer traffic” must be one of the biggest “problems” with making money online.

Just so you know, you get to that kind of Quora content views by means of Quora Spaces. But we have already shared the strategy in another Medium story, you might want to check it out below. Because you can build a gigantic audience on Quora.

Creating high-quality content to generate sales conclusion.

Whether you like it or not. Whether you believe it or not. You will face enemies when creating high quality content to generate sales. What defines you is the manner in which you conduct yourself. And the manner in which you handle “attacks”.

Don’t just accept defeat and give up, you’re stronger than that. And you didn’t come this far, only to come this far. You came this far because you are working on realising a dream, often only you can see. Creating high quality content to generate sales is how you make your dream a reality.

No matter the onslaughts on you, never mind the attempts to discredit you. All you have to do is “prove them wrong” while remaining professional, no need to get upset. Because when you get upset then you cloud your own judgement. Prove your enemies wrong “with style and integrity”.

Proving your enemies wrong when it comes to creating high quality content to generate sales. That is something that will make them think twice before “taking you on” again. These individuals cannot face nor respond to confrontation, which is precisely what makes them weak.

That is why they will try to discredit you. The question is, are you going to allow them the satisfaction of staying down? No, you’re not, you are going to keep creating high quality content to generate sales, long after “they” have given up!

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know this about creating high quality content that generates sales? Have you faced “enemies” yet with affiliate marketing and creating competitive content?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Creating High-Quality Content To Generate Sales!” story on Medium is concluded. And with that, you now know that Creating High-Quality Content not only Generates Sales but can also attract enemies!

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Deon Christie
Content Marketing Strategies (DCM)

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