8 destinations you need to see on your content repurposing journey

Content marketing with Quuu
2 min readMar 21, 2018

By Daniel Kempe

Content marketing is no longer simply about writing blog posts. In 2018, you need to think big about how you can engage your audience in as many ways as possible — and the opportunities are only growing, thanks to tools and platforms that can make a video producer/podcast recorder/graphic designer of us all.

It’s time to stop thinking of your past blog posts as part of an ‘archive’ (we hate it when websites use that word!). The idea that once a blog post has been published, it should be left to gather dust on the cyber shelves is just plain wrong.

Your blog is one of your company’s biggest assets, and one that you should continually mine for content gold.

To show you how to maximise the value of each and every blog post you create, we’ve developed an infographic to guide you through all the checkpoints in your content repurposing journey.

Bookmark it, use it as your wallpaper or even print it out and stick it on your bedroom ceiling — we hope it will become a vital part of your blogging strategy!



Content marketing with Quuu

Quuu offers scheduling and hand-curated content suggestions for social media, giving you more time for other areas of your business.