Odd Productivity tips

Sonja Radkohl
Content Mines
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2018

Are you currently writing your master thesis? Or are you still busy cleaning your flat? While I am still doing the first (and refusing the second) for a company that focuses on time management and productivity, Timeular, I learned some things about being productive myself. These are some unconventional tips.

There are tips about being productive, I have heard a hundred times already: make a plan, schedule time, produce and review later, take breaks, etc. But what if you are really stuck? I want to share a few things I do to get my head free.

Change Places.

Nothing helps me being productive more than changing my location — at least twice a day. You can find me writing in parks, on one of the stones by the river, on our hill in the city, in coffee shops, on my windowsill …

Explain Your Project to Someone Who’s Got Nothing to Do With It.

My mum and dad are both working people with no academic education. From time to time, I talk to them about difficult projects. Having to find words that make them understand my problem helps me untie knots in my head.

Go on a Holiday.

If it is possible, plan a few days in between and go away. You come back with a fresh mind and an openness that you did not have before.

Draw .

I just built a user journey and had the problem that there were so many insights I wanted to include. What really helped was to switch off my computer, fetch my pencils and start to draw. I was able to focus and it was fun, too.

Go Hiking.

When I walk, all my messy thoughts fall into place. To me, exercise is the best way to balance out the countless hours in front of the computer.

Get it Done.

Sometimes, you just have to sit down and do something. Not a problem, if it is bad. It is there and you can improve it from now on.

Is there anything you do to motivate yourself? Talk to your plants? Read tea leaves? Let your dog eat your work? I’d love to hear about some weirdness ;)



Sonja Radkohl
Content Mines

culture, arts, music and public relations, books-lover, content strategist (yeah, i’ll explain that one later)