5 Simple Rules to Write Effectively!

Content Salad
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2015

1. Read, Read, Read!

To communicate effectively, one must first learn to listen. Reading is an opportunity to listen, to view things from a perspective different than ours. Not only does it play a significant role in the development of a writer’s skills, but also in his/her creative growth, since delving into somebody else’s imagination enhances one’s own.

2. Less is More

No beating around the bush, no superfluous stories. While attention to detail and vivid illustrations are welcome, redundancy is not. To keep the reader on his/her toes, a writer must make every word count. Short and sweet is the way to go!

3. Create a Connection

Strike a chord with your readers. Write something that the readers that can relate to, draw inspiration or extract knowledge from. Establishing a relationship with the reader not only makes the experience more enjoyable but also leaves an indelible impression on the reader’s mind.

Engage your Audience

4. Paint a Picture

Play with the reader’s imagination. Give him/her an opportunity to visualize what is written in front of him/her. If the reader is able to create a picture in his/her mind, it helps him/her understand the content in a much better fashion and also, interact with it. So, exercise the power of imagination to the fullest!

5. A Touch of You

Own what you write. You are what makes your content different from others. Readers are always attracted to a fresh perspective, an original thought process or anything that screams individuality. Ensure what you write, has a part of you. So, pick up that pen (or keyboard) and write away to glory!

WittyPen brings together writers and entrepreneurs to create credible content. A win-win platform for those who provide great content and those who desire it. Visit us at WittyPen.com Happy Reading!

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Originally published at wittypen.com on December 16, 2015.



Content Salad

WittyPen is a content marketplace that helps businesses create content across marketing channels through best writers in their domain.