Content Marketing Interview with RentSher: How to build content strategy.

Content Salad
Published in
7 min readMar 24, 2018

Great content sets your brand apart from the masses, and can effectively deliver your brand’s message to the audience. Posting relevant, meaningful content on your website and social media will boost your search engine rankings and will also position you as a brand expert.

This blog contains the interview with Murali G.A, head of digital marketing at RentSher, where he talks about the importance of content in today’s day.

But before moving to the interview here’s a little read about RentSher and Murali


RentSher is a major online rental marketplace for Events, Electronics and Medical Equipments. It is scalable as a marketplace and enables social sharing and promotions.

With mass consumerism picking up in India, the team believes that people are bound to have spare products to share, rent or sell.

Murali G.A

Murali heads Digital Marketing at RentSher, where he works towards strategizing, planning, creating and implementing the campaigns for RentSher to increase brand awareness, website visitors and leads. He also handles various Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram for RentSher to promote their services.

Content marketing interview with RentSher

Q1 What is the relevance of content in today’s day?

Murali’s Answer: Content plays a major role in online marketing and creating good content is essential for any brand. Be it a B2B or B2C organization, content creation for your website and other mediums of promotion is critical. Before hopping on to writing “good” content, know your audience and their needs. Creating content without research and analysis is a waste of time and efforts.

So, you need to be judicious about crafting a good marketing strategy.

Q2 Explain us a little about how you use content for your brand.

Murali’s Answer: Our presence is across PAN India and we use content to reach out to more and more people. Our business model caters to both customers(B2C) and startups, corporates(B2B)

This means that content marketing for B2B and B2C verticals simultaneously happens for our brand.

Acquiring customers is by default the strategy of any brand, but our focus is to also retain them. With our present content strategy, we have been able to achieve a 40% retention rate. The loyalty of customers matters to us a lot, and therefore we continue to be in touch with them even after sales.

We make sure that we provide offers and update them with new arrivals so that they stay engaged and also have a brand recall.

Q3 Is there a difference in the content that goes out to your two different audience categories — Customers(B2C) & Businesses(B2B)?

Murali’s Answer: Yes, the approach is different for both segments.

B2B Segment

For our B2B segment, we focus on creating whitepapers, case studies, customer testimonials and newsletters.

We believe that white papers are great when we cater to corporates and startups because they by nature are very detailed and can help the clients take faster decisions.

– Case studies help us in being more credible in the eyes of our consumers.

– Testimonials are the living proof of our successful services and hence work like a digital word of mouth for us.

– Updating our clients with new product listings and features happens through monthly newsletters.

B2C Segment

For our B2C segment also, we send out newsletters, but with a different approach, tonality and design. Apart from this, we focus largely on social media handles to increase customer engagement.

To provide a visual appeal, we create short videos on youtube about our products,services and events that take place through us.

Their Social Media Handles

We had a chance to look at the social media handle of RentSher, and we noticed that,

They haven’t used content that glorifies their products and services. Instead, their content is straight-forward and focuses on user benefits.


For example, in their Twitter Post about home & kitchen appliances they have mentioned the home-delivery of those products.

This is a great post because,

1. Content talks about benefits that users will get upon buying the products

2. Because of the non-salesly approach, users will not shy away from exploring the products.


Next, in one of their Facebook posts, they talk about a birthday party that they organized for one of their customer’s daughter.

This is a great post because,

1. Through the personalized approach of addressing customers by their names, they are making the customers feel important.

2.At the same time, through this approach, they are reaching out to new people who might have a similar need.


Their SlideShare about easy DIY Valentine ideas is wonderful.

This is a great post because,

1. They are providing the right type of content at the right time to users.

2. The users will refer the brand to their friends because they themselves found it useful.


Here is an example of an interesting short video made by RentSher about what they do. This quick video talks about how you can rent items online without hassle.

Q4 Are there any tools that you focus on?

Murali’s Answer: We do not want to unnecessary invest in a lot of tools.

We use only a few of them, like Google Analytics, Google Adsense and Google Adwords. We track customer activity through Google Analytics, this includes — the source that they have come from, where they are landing, the points that they drop off at and many more. This gives us a fair sense of how to move ahead towards our goal in a better way.

Q5 Do you consider Blogging as an important part of your content strategy?

Murali’s Answer: Blogging is very important to us. Our aim is to have blogs that our users find useful, and also enjoy reading them. For example, we have a blog called “Significance of costumes for Janmashtami and Independence” This is an interesting read for the users, as it brings them closer to the festivals by giving them necessary information about god and leaders.

And at the same time, it benefits us, because we can talk about the costumes that we rent out during the festival.

Another one that I want to talk about is — How to Earn Extra income Without Investment?

Here, we have a catchy headline, which draws people to our website. After landing on our blog, there are two good things that happen,

1. The users learn about how they can get extra income through the p2p lending business model.

2. They will be confident in exploring the rest of the website because they found this particular blog useful.

You can check out RentSher’s other blogs here.

Q6 A successful campaign that you want to talk about?

Murali’s Answer: Yes, there is a recent one that we ran for Christmas. The idea was to create buzz much before the actual festival date. We started promoting our products 10 days prior to Christmas on social media and through emails. On different days, we highlighted different products and services and the result was phenomenal.

We got double the number of orders than we expected. Additionally, we got orders for New Year’s too.

Our intention for this campaign was to attract corporates that organize Christmas events for their employees.

However, to our surprise, we also got orders from individual customers through this campaign. So it was a double win for us.

Q7 Any advice to the content marketers out there?

Murali’s Answer: Well, it is very important to be in tandem with all the team members.

I am talking from my personal experience. The Christmas campaign that I spoke about had surpassed our expectations, and there was more demand than supply.

The situation didn’t go out of our hands because our different teams(the ones handling backend and marketing) were well coordinated.

Thus, it is important to stay ahead of things and avoid poor customer experience.

Another suggestion for the content marketers is to be very aware of the audience that they cater to. Especially if they have multiple audience segments. The idea is to classify them into different lists and create content that suits each of them.

There is no one strategy that fits all.

You need to think of many ideas according to the many customers you have, and then only will your content strategy be successful.

So, with this, we have come to the end of our blog. We heartily thank Murali for taking out the time to talk to us and sharing some important insights that will benefit us and other content marketers.

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Originally published at on March 24, 2018.



Content Salad

WittyPen is a content marketplace that helps businesses create content across marketing channels through best writers in their domain.