Top 7 Lifesstyle Business With Great Content Marketing Examples

Content Salad
Published in
7 min readJan 12, 2018

Content marketing in Lifestyle business is all around you. Most of the times we don’t even connect it to the product but they are the brands acing at the game. One-on-one to that is to understand your audience, their needs, likes, what they want and to provide them exactly that with a cherry on top!

To understand the ROI we have also checked their Alexa and SEMrush statistics and the elevation in their growth says it all. Let’s take a closer look at Top 7 Lifestyle Businesses With Great Content Marketing Examples


How do they do it? : Their content is relatable and engaging

What kind of content works for them? : Blog posts and videos

Why it’s a hit? : The readers can apply the content to their life

Vogue, the fashion bible has managed to keep their magazine brand sailing not just afloat in this digital age with the help of right content marketing. Their website is intensively Search Engine Optimised (SEO) which gave them 40% of their visitors.

Vogue through its blogs and articles on their website targets its readers with its daily dose of content. The content is relatable and keeps the readers asking for more. A special column dedicated to “How to” for readers to learn trends they can apply to their daily life.

Apart from the blogs, they have also been asking their subscribers for stories of the experience they had when they first got their Vogue issue keeping their readers engaged.


How do they do it? : Content based on trending topics

What kind of content works for them? : Funny and Quick-witted content

Why it’s a hit? : The content has a powerful SEO and is very interactive

Zomato, an online directory to find restaurants around you operates in 23 countries. Zomato is acing at the Content Marketing game with its Bold, Quirky and Quick- witted content.

It is ranked 175 in India’s Alexa rating with a strong Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) that gets 60% of their visitors to the website.

The content is usually about the trending topics & news making it relatable to the audience. They understand their audience; they keep them engaged by reaching out to them & with their creative content by giving them exactly what they need.

Tempting pictures of delicious food, quirky blog posts, and witty comebacks have made them one of the best. Zomato’s strategy focuses on using more images on all social media channels. Their content is entertaining, fresh and relatable it engages the audience. They make use of every opportunity.

Here are some creative posts by Zomato:

Red Bull

How do they do it? : Appeals the audience through content on great adventures

What kind of content works for them? : Blogs, videos and extreme sports

Why it’s a hit? : There is no other close competition to their content genre

Red Bull’s level of content marketing and their strategies have been unmatched for a while now. They took the highway and made it their way with adrenaline pumping content on adventures sports.

The content on their website focuses on blogs, articles & videos with trending events and news about athletes and risk takers on their website.

They have followed their tagline in all their content creation “Red Bull gives you wings” giving wings to Felix Baugmgartner for his jump from the stratosphere.

Red Bull also has their content pool, a website which provides high-quality stock photos and videos for editorial use, by publishers, news agencies, TV stations, etc., often using a Red Bull logo somewhere in the content. This widens their content marketing for their brand to other sources.


How do they do it? : By Building trust in their customers

What kind of content works for them? : Blogs & videos focusing on togetherness and showing love through their products

Why it’s a hit? : Powerful SEO brings 66% of their visitors

Tanishq’s content marketing strategies shine out with its uniqueness like their jewellery. They have experimented with their content but mostly cashing it on emotions and trust of their customers through videos with stories.

Their aim has always been to build a connection with their audience by engaging them through storytelling or by asking them to share their story. Their jewellery brand Mia also had a campaign along with a contest where they encouraged women to share stories their work life on various social media platforms. The content comprised of some DIY tips and short films.

The content that excelled the most on their website was the ‘Tanishq Promises’ where they got their employees in front of the camera sharing their stories, experiences along with answering questions that every customer has in their mind about the quality, purity, clarity, craftsmanship and more. This content eventually helped in building trust in their audience.


How do they do it? : Makes their product more appealing with the content

What kind of content works for them? : Blogs and social media posts

Why it’s a hit? : Refreshing ideas and blogs

Koovs an online fashion store has been trending in fashion in India with their content marketing. They have collaborated with many Fashion Bloggers on social media who create content in styling and DIY.

Their onsite blog gives ideas on how to wear an outfit, Mix & Match, Places you could get similar celebrity outfit as well as blogs with attractive titles like “NYE looks to Die For” has led to its Alexa ranking in the Top 1000 in India.

Koov’s latest campaign #Koovsxyou, is an interesting one, where you upload a picture wearing an outfit from Koovs on your Instagram while tagging them and they put it up on their website engages the audience.


How do they do it? : Storytelling

What kind of content works for them? : Blogs, articles and videos.

Why it’s a hit? : The content is easy to very access and categorised

Make my trip an Indian Online travel company aligned all its content marketing to fit the three pillars which are: Inspire, Travel Discovery and Demonstrate. They have an Alexa ranking of 64 in India.

Their blog posts are rich in content and attractively titled such as “10 Laid-Back Weekend Road Trips from Delhi” They made their content for all sorts of trips that you will be tempted to read or watch even if you aren’t going on trip

Their storytelling captures ‘Customer First Stories’ with the happy stories of customers, where they address specific hurdles that MakeMyTrip sorted out enabling a hassle-free journey.


How do they do it? : Creative low budget content

What kind of content works for them? : Travel stories and visuals

Why it’s a hit? : They give importance to their content

Ixigo, is a travel search marketplace, connecting over 70 million travellers with content & deals. They have achieved 46% visitors because of a good SEO.

Ixigo has been a leader in content marketing for creating viral content out of shoe string budget and if they can so can you. The content marketing team has been using creative content, visuals and videos to increase their user-base.

As Aashish Chopra, Head-Content Marketing, said “In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, social media strategy for any brand revolves around remarkable content. Content must be compelling and share ­worthy, period. Every brand today is turning into a media company”

Over to you

The business in Lifestyle, most of them are aware what the audience wants and they provide them with that but the reason that these brands are doing much better than any of the others is that they are doing it differently. They have experimented and included their product as well as their brand’s personality to their content marketing and the way they want to present it. Strategic content marketing is the key to get better at it.

Originally published at on January 12, 2018.



Content Salad

WittyPen is a content marketplace that helps businesses create content across marketing channels through best writers in their domain.