Blogger Outreach Strategy — A Guide for Brands

3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Blogger Outreach Strategy Right Now 

Eight Eighteen
Content: The String Theory of Marketing
2 min readApr 17, 2014


As blogger outreach strategy becomes an integral part of content distribution plans, we decided to share some highlights from our just-released blogger outreach best practices to help guide brands on how to do it right.

Content, content, content is the name of the game. Brands know they need it, and many brands are creating it. Aside from pumping content on their own websites and social channels, how else can brands leverage quality content? The answer is: Bloggers…

Brands are now sharing their content and products directly to bloggers, some of whom have huge, loyal digital followings. Bloggers are typically posed with the pressure of creating content daily — their followers literally demand it. The relationship between brand and blogger has never been more mutually beneficial.

3 Things You Can Do Now

1) Ditch the Broadcast Email Outreach: This is a relationship-building exercise. Approaching a blogger with a canned, generic e-mail is not likely to garner much response — and might even result in a backlash, even if the blogger’s audience would love what your doing.

2) Read and Relate: Related to the above, read several blog posts before you reach out. Ensure your content or product is relevant to what the blogger (or publisher) typically writes about, right down to mentioning specific posts.

3) Tracking with Benefits: Once you establish a relationship, use or Google’s Custom URL Builder to create and share a custom, content-related link with your new blogger friend. Now you can track how your piece of content is performing on the specific blog — and you can both see just how beneficial the relationship truly is.

Contact us if you want the full copy.

By Lorraine Tran

