How to Create a Content Outline

Madhu Kaushal ✍️
Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2024

You might have a lot of questions about how to start and organize your writing. Here, we’re focusing on blogs, but the principles apply to almost any type of content.

So, When we talk about blog content, whether it’s for

  • Informing readers,
  • Educating them,
  • Or Attracting leads,

The one important step is to never forget to create a content outline.

Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash

Why is a Content Outline Important?

A content outline keeps you on track. As a writer, it’s easy to get distracted — you might feel the urge to write about a million different things. But that’s not the way to create focused and effective content.

An outline helps you stay aligned with your main goal and ensures your writing remains clear and organized.

So, What does it do? It helps you to maintain the track.

How to Start Your Outline

Your content outline depends on two key factors:

Your Topic and Content Research.

When crafting your outline, make sure to cover these essential points:

  1. Answer Your Title

Your blog should be a direct response to the title. Think of your outline as the blueprint that makes sure your content stays true to this purpose.

2. Use Structured Headings

Include H1, H2, H3 (etc.) headings in your outline. These should flow logically and relate directly to your title. Remember — stick to the title!

3. Include Your Resources

List all the resources you used during research in your outline. This could be links, books, articles — anything that helped you gather information. This not only keeps you organized but also adds value for your readers. They can also explore the sources themselves

4. Add Relevant Quotes

If you find any quotes from industry leaders that complement your content, include them in your outline. Quotes can add credibility and depth to your blog.

5. Present Your Service as a Solution

Guide your readers on a journey where they see your service or product as the solution to their problem. Make your content actionable, so readers feel empowered to take the next step.

Things to Remember

While a content outline is important, you should never forget that you are a creative person.

So let that shine through in your writing. Don’t let your content outline block you from being the creative person you are.

Think of the outline as a framework that supports your creative expression, not a limitation.



Madhu Kaushal ✍️

Expert Wordsmith & Ghostwriter I Writng about Mindfulness, Science and some Writing hacks. Connec with me -