Nikita Kunwar Chouhan ✒️
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2024
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Morning routine can be life changing. It helps you feel more focused. If you create a proper morning routine, this is possible that chances of your success are more. Waking up early and creating a schedule to follow daily. Which helps you to be consistent and accountable for upcoming tasks.

Imgaine you wake up at 04:00 AM and going for walk. After coming doing yoga and meditation. If you believe in religious, repeating mantras. Now checking your to do list and start completing your todays task. Now its time for your breakfast and you are leaving for college. It looks so cool and romanticizing. But, its hard to follow and implements these habits. So, start small and make small goals to achieve fast.

You are more focused and energized in the morning. This is most productive time to perform important tasks. You can watch podcasts and read in the early morning. You have to learn time management, to learn where and how to spend quality of time. If physical health is important to you, include a quick workout. If mental clarity is your goal, start your day with meditation or journaling.

Waking up at the same time everyday helps to regulate your body’s internal clock and ensures you have enough time for your routine without feeling rushed. Choose your wake up time that gives you enough time to complete your morning routine before your day start. Do this all until you reach your ideal productive time.

We are in habits to check are phones just after waking up. This increase are stress, procrastination and make harder to focus in morning routine. Instead of using phones in the morning try to focus on yourself and your morning activities, task. Avoid technology and start your day on your terms. After completing your task you feel more prepared to tackle another.

You can make your morning routine easy by preparing to do tasks before one night. Make simole tasks like packing your bag, setting your bed, preparing your breakfast to reduce decision making stress. By this you will save your time and prepare to do more. If you do journling, leave a pen and notebook beside your bed. If you are preparing for exams then write topics to cover next day. By doing a little prep work in the evening, your morning routine will run more smoothly.

It’s important to stay flexible. Life is unpredictable , there will be days when your routine gets disturbed. It’s okay! If you don’t have time for your full routine,focus on more important parts. Sometimes you can skip workout, journling but have few minutes to stretch and write gratitude. Adjust your day will help you stay consistent in long way.

A morning routine doesn’t have to be complicated. By starting small, prioritizing what matters to you, setting a consistent wake-up time, and avoiding distractions like technology, you can create a routine that sets a positive tone for your day. A well-crafted morning routine can boost your productivity, mental health, and overall sense of wellbeing.

