Track Your Content: A Simple Guide to Using Analytics

How to measure your content?

Shagufta ✍🏼
3 min readSep 10, 2024


Woman pointing out at a graph showing content analytics.
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Now comes the most important step in your content marketing strategy. Measuring your performance — many people skip it because they think it’s time-consuming. They rely on their gut feeling, not on real data. But you can’t tell what’s working or what needs change without measuring your efforts.

So, let’s understand in detail how you should do it!

1. What is analytics in content marketing?

Analytics is tracking and measuring how your content is performing. For example, you can track how many people visited your blog you published last month.

2. Why is it important to measure content performance?

It helps you understand what’s working and what isn’t. For example, if a blog post about conflict resolution gets a lot of views, you know that’s a topic your audience cares about.

3. Which metrics should I focus on?

Focus on key metrics like page views, engagement (comments, likes), and conversions (sign-ups, consultations). For example, track how many couples sign up for your relationship webinar after reading your blog post.

A magnifier glass reviewing an analytics report.
Image by Dmitriy from Pixabay

4. How do I know if my content is successful?

Success depends on your goals. If your goal is to get more clients, track how many people book consultations after seeing your posts. If engagement is your goal, look for increased likes, shares, or comments.

5. How can I use analytics to improve my content?

Analytics shows you what resonates with your audience. If a blog post on “Trust-Building in Relationships” gets high traffic, create more content on similar topics like trust exercises for couples.

6. What tools can I use to track analytics?

Google Analytics, social media insights (like Instagram or Facebook analytics), and email marketing tools (like Mailchimp) help track your performance. For instance, use Google Analytics to see which relationship advice blog post is driving the most traffic.

7. How often should I review my analytics?

Regularly, but not obsessively! A weekly or bi-weekly check is fine. For example, check your blog traffic every Monday to spot trends.

8. What should I avoid when measuring content performance?

Don’t focus only on vanity metrics like followers. These don’t always convert into clients. For example, having 10,000 Instagram followers doesn’t mean much if none of them are booking consultations or reading your blog.

Bonus Tip:
Always keep your goals in mind when reviewing analytics. If your goal is to help couples, track metrics like sign-ups for coaching or feedback on relationship advice posts.


Start small while analyzing your content’s performance. Pick a few key metrics and set goals.

Use analytics to guide your content creation.

🎈 Day 9 of the 30-day atomic essay challenge by Anirban Das



Shagufta ✍🏼

Helping Wellness & Relationship Founders Rank Higher on SERPs | Content Marketer & SEO Content Writer