5 Questions with ContentBox CTO Gang Hu

Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2018

Q1) What is the biggest problem ContentBox is solving?

ContentBox is solving the main issue of content producer and user compensation through incentivizing positive interactions on the platform. Content producers are paid directly for the content they generate and users are paid for sharing, commenting, voting, and flagging content.

Q2) What are the major advantages of ContentBox over competitors?

First, we have a real use case application such as our partner Castbox, which has over 17 million users on the platform globally and will onboard millions of users as we introduce BOX tokens onto it. Second, our creator program will be integrated shortly on ContentBox blockchain protocol in the immediate future. Third, our tech design is unique from other projects in that it does not support Turing-complete virtual machines but will be more lightweight and efficient for the digital content industry.

Q3) What are the main components of the ContentBox platform?

ContentBox composes 3 major components: 1) BOX Payout, a fast and secure blockchain to carry out multi-party contingent payments. It removes the Turing-complete virtual machine from the design and execute smart contracts in a lightweight and efficient way 2) BOX Passport, a blockchain-based identity and attribution service across multiple applications. With BOX Passport, users can log into various apps without creating multiple accounts; 3) BOX Unpack, a turn-key solution for small and medium-sized partners to setup a content platform easily and quickly. It will lower the barrier for application developers to leverage blockchain technology. These three components together will build a powerful platform for application developers.

Q4) How do you see the value of BOX token in the coming years?

I believe the basic value of BOX token relies on the diversity and prosperity of the whole ecosystem. The more applications we can see on ContentBox, the more value BOX token will have.

Q5) How will ContentBox attract developers to build content applications atop?

For developers, they will benefit from developing applications on ContentBox in three ways: 1) Easy of worry on cold start problem where they are exposed to million of users the first day they launch their product and those users can log into the app instantly with the aid of BOX Passport; 2) they will have a native “currency” which can be used in their apps to incentivize their user group andv3) their development works will be minimized by our BOX Unpack solution.

ContentBox Website: https://contentbox.one/

ContentBox Telegram: https://t.me/BoxCommunity

ContentBox Twitter: https://twitter.com/Contentbox_one

ContentBox Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/contentboxone/

ContentBox Medium: https://medium.com/@Contentbox_one

ContentBox White Paper: https://contentbox.one/wp.pdf

ContentBox Bitcoin Talk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3898690.0

ContentBox Contract Address: 0x63f584FA56E60e4D0fE8802b27C7e6E3b33E007f

