Contentos Live AMA Session with Coin Mühendisi Turkish Community

Published in
8 min readDec 3, 2021

On December 2nd, our Co-Founder and CEO Mick Tsai had an AMA session with the Coin Mühendisi Turkish community and introduced our project, NFT journey, Metaverse plans, future goals and launch plans.

Read the Live AMA text below.

[Live Q&A]

Q1 : Please tell us more about Contentos Mainnet 2.0 and the NFT and DAO functions.

Mainnet v2.0 focuses on two parts:

  • NaaS — NFT as a Service. Early 2021, launched a feature which allows all video creators to issue ERC-721 NFT token when distributing the video on, and this ERC-721 NFT token will be directly pushed and listed on OpenSea ([query] After launching, we’ve received lots of positive remarks, but also some great feedback such as high GAS fee on ETH, so the best way to address this issue is to provide native NFT support on the Contentos mainnet. That’s why in v2.0 upgrade, NFT is a big thing since we already have ten thousand creators every day who are using to produce and distribute their video content. Adding NFT features can further help these content creators monetize the content. Today, NFT service has officially been deployed on Contentos mainnet ( and more details / complete source code can be found here:
  • DAO — Content moderation is a big issue to any content platform, regardless if they are the popular centralized content platforms such as YouTube or TikiTok, or the decentralized content systems such as However, in centralized content platform, the company who runs the platform can decide the content moderation guidelines, which means they have the ultimate right to remove any content they don’t like — take YouTube banning crypto-related video previously for example, YouTube can and will remove any video if their in-house moderator think your video is “inappropriate” for their audiences. However, in a decentralized content platform, we think this power should belong to the community, built with a transparent and trustworthy on-chain moderation tool. That’s why in v2.0, we’ve introduced the Content DAO system, which allows any community member who has staked sufficient COS to participate in content moderation to decide whether a specific content has violated the community guideline. Decisions made by every community moderators will be recorded on the Contentos main-net so it’s fully transparent (an example: Moving forward, we’d like to export this feature and help other content platforms — centralized or decentralized, to build a better content moderation mechanism and truly let the community build a content ecosystem that they can use safely.

Q2 : Tell us more about COS.TV and how users can generate profit from it

In short, is the decentralized version of YouTube, it is also one of the products that has integrated with Contentos mainnet.

Today, it has over 2M month active users worldwide and each day has around 10K on-chain active users ( The largest user-base is from Brazil and followed by Vietnam. It also has lots of active users from the US and South Korea.

As a video creator, you can have multiple profit generators in Starting with the traditional “pre-rolled” video Ad, similar to the pre-rolled video Ad feature in YouTube, creators can enable the Ad system then earn fiat ad revenue on, but this is not the best; the biggest or best difference compared with YouTube is that in, you can also have various ways to earn crypto!

  1. Based on the quality of the video — which is decided by the community with the “Like”, your video can earn COS. Meanwhile, a good comment also can have Like, and it’s also qualified to earn COS as well.
  2. GiftingVote system. It’s a Peer-to-Peer denoting system. Fans and audience can send the GiftingVote to the video creator, which can be bought by COS. It’s also a way to earn COS / generate revenue as a video creator.
  3. Pay-per-View. It’s the latest monetization tool we’ve built for video creators. You can configure the amount of COS that viewers need to spend before unlocking your premium video. These COS can be another way to earn your revenue.
  4. Video NFT. If the video you produced is really unique and popular, you can choose to issue the Video NFT for this particular video, and will auto-list this NFT to OpenSea and be ready for sale. Once anyone bids the video NFT, you make the money!

Ever since was launched in June/2019, the development team is constantly adding new ways to help creators to monetize their content. Moving forward, more new ways will be added into and help creators have more options to earn the revenue. Meanwhile, also receives the revenue share from these tools, later all these revenue shares will be added into the COS quarter burning program, so in the end, it will benefit everyone who holds the COS. (For more burning program and the latest burn result in Q3/2021, please see here:

Q3 : What are Contentos’ plans for NFTs and the Metaverse?

Today, the creator can issue the video NFT for their video published on The NFT will be listed on OpenSea for sale automatically right after the mint process. It’s the most easy way to mint the NFT and list on OpenSea today for the creators worldwide ([query] I encourage everyone to give it a try with, anyone can do this now.

With the mainnet v2.0, more new ways for the creators to mint their NFT and trade, since it’s important to look for a way to reduce the gas fee on ethereum. That’s why we are not just integrating BSC for the video NFT mint option, but also working on integrating Contentos mainnet and other possible blockchain such as Solana for users to choose to mint their video NFT and list for sale.

As for the latest hottest topic: Metaverse, we are working on several possible new initiatives.

1. Building the avatar in or a new content product. This new design will allows users to customize their own figure/identity in the Contentos ecosystem, later this new identity can be exported and connected to other major metaverse system, for instance, the integration of other metaverse game can helps Gamer / Streamer have a seamlessly way to switch between Contentos content creation ecosystem and the other metaverse gaming environment (Like the way you streaming a game on Twitch, but in the meantime, the identity on Twitch and in the game is the same one).

2. More new gamification design in Take the recent “thanksgiving event” as an example (, global content creators and their fans are gathered around and compete for the number 1 place. In the future, we’d like to allow anyone to host a similar game in Contentos ecosystem, so you get a chance to host a game, provide the reward and eventually, earn the revenue from hosting the game (just like hosting a football competition and earning the ticket revenue).

3. We are designing a new way to make (and a new potential video-based product) work like “The Sandbox” or “Decentraland”, which has a way to allow users to bid for specific, NFT-limited “spot” that can be sold or rent to any video creators to present their work. It can be used as the advertisement place or in future, a place where users can build more unique decorations. It can also be considered as a new gaming product introduced to the Contentos ecosystem and there will definitely be more in the coming 2022.

We believe the concept of Metaverse will be built into Contentos/ with these elements in the Contentos ecosystem. Today, we already have over 10M registered users worldwide, which is significantly larger than lots of “Metaverse-concept” projects, but our future is still under-valued, so it will be a good time to join for sure!

Q4 : Please tell us more about Contentos’ plans for 2022

In 2021, we’ve introduced the video NFT to the global creators and audience. The Contentos mainnet v2.0 with the NaaS and DAO features was also successfully launched in the end of Sept./2021. Now it’s time to talk about 2022 and beyond.

With Facebook changing its name to Meta, we believe the era of metaverse is approaching. Though it will not be ready within 5–10 years, the virtual world will definitely become more important in this post-pandemic time. One of the key elements in metaverse compared with any virtual reality game is the economy system, which has to be built using the blockchain technology otherwise it cannot be trusted, which means any decentralized technology which is designed and built to benefit the global user will be popular in coming years, especially those who already have a right users and worldwide present. Lucky Contentos is one of these types of projects. We have a global user base, we have top tier content creators and we have products which anyone can join the decentralized ecosystem anytime, not just a whitepaper nor concept anymore.

So here is our plan for 2022.

  1. Get ready to integrate with a more metaverse ecosystem. I believe a trust metaverse must be an inter-blockchain type of design, a user can “roam” from one metaverse system to the other without worrying about losing identity or asset. So we will create a universe Identity exporting bridge which allows any other metaverse project to connect with. This means a user can easily move to Decentraland or The Sandbox type of blockchain game, vice versa.
  2. The DAO system. Since launching the Content DAO system in Sept 2021, we’ve seen huge potentials from community content moderation. It’s a great model that helps not only content moderation but also lets the community participate in deciding whether a content is right fit to the community. In short, power to the community! This is the direction in which we’d like to further explore. We expect DAO to be the next-big-thing in 2022’s blockchain industry and we aim to be one of the top projects in that aspect when the hype is here.
  3. NFT is still a good and hot topic, but we’d like to expand more beyond the NFT, not just issuing and selling on the marketplace, but also grant more power to NFT holders. This requires more product to integrate with the NFT that Contentos user has issued. That’s why we are keeping working with other top tier blockchain communities such as BSC or next one — Solana to explore the way to use and adding more liquidity to the video NFT.

I expect to see more solid products released in the first Q1 of 2022, and we sincerely invite you to join these products and give them a try!

Q5 : Why is Contentos interested in Turkey? What are Contentos’ plans for the Turkish market?

The user base is largely based on Brazil and Vietnam, so when it comes to user expansion, Turkey is a very similar market — Turkey has over 84M population and the young population (18–36) is one of the majority composition, it means Turkey users are energetic and willing to try new things. Meanwhile, the popularity of online gaming and streaming is also one of the major reasons why Turkey is a great place to introduce Contentos/




Revolutionary blockchain-based global content ecosystem where the rights and value will be returned to users.