Contentos Main-Net Launch Guide

Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2019

Fasten your seatbelt and we’re about to launch!

Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

The initial version of the Contentos Test-Net, “Pangu” came out at the end of March. With the introduction of the versions of “Mercury”, “Venus”, “Mars” and “Jupiter”, we are finally welcoming Contentos Main-Net v1.0 “Home Planet” on September 25th. Here’s the article to answer most of your questions about Main-Net launch.

No Worries on Tokens

After the Contentos Main-Net launch, there will be the native COS tokens of the Main-Net, and this will not affect the COS tokens currently held by you, whether they are in your exchange account, BNB wallet or COS.TV account.

  • BEP2 COS: The tokens are currently in circulation on the exchange and BNB wallets. Before the exchanges supports the native COS token swap, the BEP2 COS will continue to circulate outside the Contentos ecosystem.
  • Main-Net Native COS: In the Contentos ecosystem, COS tokens are the basis for value exchange and can be used to conduct P2P transactions (transfer between accounts) and execute smart contracts.
  • VEST: VEST is a form of staked COS. VEST cannot be transferred between accounts, but the more VEST you have, the higher power you have in the Contentos ecosystem. That means your “like” (upvote) to a certain piece of content is valued more than others upon ecological reward distribution. Holding VEST also enables you to participate in the governance of Contentos ecosystem, such as voting for block producers.
  • COS in the COS.TV account: The COS in the COS.TV account is the reward that the Contentos Foundation has allocated to LiveMe, Cheez, PhotoGrid, COS.TV and other DApps to jumpstart the ecosystem in the past year. Through LiveMe QuizBiz, Cheez, PhotoGrid creation mining and COS.TV interactions, COS tokens in COS.TV are distributed to those explorers who are actively involved in the Contentos ecosystem. Currently, users can continue to withdraw BEP2 COS to the exchange or to their own BNB wallets with a quota of 1000 COS per week. In the future, COS.TV will also support direct withdrawal of native COS.

COS Main-Net Wallet

Currently, the Contentos Foundation provides a website version of the COS Main-Net wallet, which can create accounts, support bidirectional conversion of COS and VEST, and vote for block producers.

After the COS.TV upgrade, it will also support the creation and manipulation of the COS Main-Net wallet.

COS Token Swap Utility

COS token swap utility supports conversion of COS tokens in the following formats

  • ERC-20 COS to Main-Net native COS
  • ERC-20 COS to BEP2 COS
  • BEP2 COS to Main-Net native COS
  • Main-Net native COS to BEP2 COS

Please note that when using the token swap utility, do not set the conversion destination to exchanges. Sending tokens to exchange address without memo will result in loss of funds.

So, what are the benefits of the Main-Net native COS?

Eco-Rewards: support COS & earn COS!

The Contentos chain is a blockchain specially crafted for the content industry. The biggest benefit to content creators and general users is the COS eco-rewards. There are four billion COS tokens to be mined as eco-rewards for the users contribute to Contentos ecosystem by creating and recommending contents.

Content creation & recommendation

In the Contentos ecosystem, within 7 days upon posting on the blockchain, the content pieces are eligible for COS eco-rewards if they receive likes (upvotes) from others; part of the reward goes to the creators, encouraging their high-quality creation; another part goes to the users who sent likes to this work, encouraging them to pick great creations for the Contentos ecosystem. The COS eco-reward will be calculated 7 days after the posting of a content piece and will be distributed directly to the COS Main-Net wallet in the form of VEST.

Currently, one of the first DApps connected to the Contentos Main-Net is COS.TV. We cordially welcome you to post original video content on COS.TV! Invite friends to like your content, together you can support the COS ecosystem and earn COS tokens!

How to Make Each “Like” More Effective?

In the Contentos ecosystem, the effectiveness of “like”s from each account varies. Accounts with more VEST have more effective “like”s, so as to encourage creators and viewers who continue to work and participate in the Contentos ecosystem. You can also get more COS through trading, convert COS to VEST in the Main-Net wallet and improve the effectiveness of your likes. “Like” your favorite contents and receive more eco-rewards.

Contribute, within limits

The Contentos blockchain does not require a transaction fee for content posting, token transferring, liking, and so on. The concept is to remove the barrier for general publics from entering the world of blockchain. However, to avoid resource abuse, there is an upper limit on the number of operations that each account can perform in a certain period of time. When the limit is exceeded, the system will give you a notice, suggesting that you take a break and wait for the restriction to be lifted.

Photo by Alan Biglow on Unsplash

There are two restrictions on account operations, namely stamina and energy, which can be checked in the Main-Net wallet.

  • Stamina: All on-chain behaviors consume stamina, and when your stamina is exhausted, no further action can be performed. The stamina is refilled automatically in time. If you need to perform more on-chain operations in a short period of time, you can stake COS in the Main-Net wallet in exchange for CHICKEN, another format of staked COS, to gain more stamina. (After three days of conversion to CHICKEN, you can convert them back to COS)
  • Energy: When you “like” the posts, energy is consumed. When your energy is exhausted, you won’t be able to “like” anymore. Such design is to ensure that users “like” with caution, and only good content that is really recommended are worthy of user’s appreciation. If your energy is exhausted, you can only wait for automatic recovery.

Introducing COS.TV

COS.TV will be re-launched with its integration with Contentos Main-Net. It will be the first Contentos Main-Net DApp to support the above features. We invite COSers to post contents on COS.TV, enjoy the amazing videos, and participate in COS eco-reward together!

Furthermore, photo editing and community app PhotoGrid will soon support COS eco-reward. More DApps are also coming to Contentos ecosystem. Get ready for a whole new content ecosystem!




Revolutionary blockchain-based global content ecosystem where the rights and value will be returned to users.